Stop Snoring Instantly

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cure For Snoring Desperately Needed To Save Our Marriage!

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Now you might laugh at this, but one morning I awoke to what I thought was road works going on just outside the bedroom window. I should have been so lucky! It was my new wife, snoring like a darn jack hammer. Honestly, I had never heard anything like it in my life. In fact it was so infuriating, I had to wake her up to shut her up. This went on for some weeks after that first bout, and it was literally doing my head in. If anyone ever needed a cure for snoring it was her, or should that be me, as it didn't seem to worry her all that much! For the sake of our marriage, this had to stop and stop soon.

The funny thing is that her snoring just started from nowhere and for no apparent reason. She denied she snored of course, like so many of these midnight snorters do, so I had to record the retched noise for proof. She still thought I was having her on, so I borrowed my brother's digital camcorder, and this time there was no denying the fact. Even she was horrified by the playback and was more than happy seek a cure for snoring as soon as possible.

The first thing we discovered was that snoring is in actual fact a medical condition. Apparently, boozers are more likely to snore because the alcohol relaxes the muscles at the back of their throats. Some sleep medications can have the same effect too, which kind of made sense in our case as my wife had recently gone onto sleeping pills after a major falling out with her sister.

We also discovered that large tonsils or a stuffed up nose are responsible for bedtime snarling and snorting noises. With the latter, the snorer is likely to be louder in the summer months as there are many irritating airborne particles which means that hay fever sufferers are particularly vulnerable.

But get this! Did you know that overweight and idle people are more likely to snore than slender active beings? It's true, well according to the Doc anyway. He said he has cured many snoring problems by getting fat people to slim down and take regular exercise. Also, by dropping off to sleep on you side as opposed to your back is said to work with some folks. It was explained to us that this can be achieved by simply propping a pillow behind you before you nod off as it will help stop you from rolling over onto your side.

So excited was I at the thought of getting a good nights sleep after weeks of sleepless hell, that I got this article out as soon as I arrived home while the cures and preventions for snoring were still fresh in my mind. Anything to help fellow sufferers. That's sufferers, not snorers, as they are often quite oblivious as to the restless havoc they cause after dark.

Gary Tooth writes for where he has articles About Yoga and Major Depression. There are also other pieces relating to Oriental and Alternative cures on the site

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Easy Ways To Stop Snoring

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There are large numbers of people looking for ways to stop snoring. It's no surprise, because there can be a snorer in nearly half of all households, and when you add to that all the spouses and partners disturbed by snoring, that's a lot of people looking for ways to stop it!

Snoring is caused by reduced airways, and it's the vibrations as the air stuggles to get through that causes the snore. The reduced airway can be in the throat or nasal passage. I'll come to the nasal passage later, but I want to concentrate on the throat.

So, let's crack on with some of the causes of this blocked throat, and find out ways to stop them!

Sleeping on your back is often the cause of snoring, as the throat and tonuge muscle ease back towards the throat. There are specially shaped pillows you can buy to help with this, but why spend money when you can try free ways! Either use rolled up towels under one side of your head, or put a golf ball/walnut in a sock and pin it to the back of your nightwear. It's an ancient idea, but it does work!

You can also increase strength in your throat and tongue with exercises. If they are stronger, they are less likely to slip backwards.

Sometimes those muscles can be over relaxed, often aided by alcohol, so if you snore, try easing off the late night drink, and see if that makes a difference.

It may come as a surprise, but drinking milk can also be a cause, as it leaves a layer of mucus, so again try to leave the late night milk drinking!

Sometimes it isn't the muscles that narrow the throat, but the sheer weight of the throat itself! It doesn't take too much extra weight around the neck to cause this to happen, so likewise it doesn't take that much weight loss to correct it either!

Now we know that we want as clear an airway as possible, sometimes putting your head over a steambowl an work wonders, and make sure also that your sleeping environment is as clean and dust free as possible.

That covers the throat. If the problem stems from the nasal passageway, you can get little strips which help to open them up, or you may simply be cursed with a narrow nose. Thsi may require surgery to cure, and it should also be noted that although snoring is no laughing matter, it can be serious, as snoring can lead to periods of not breathing altogether.

However, before getting alarmed and rushing to the doctor, try some/all of the methods above and you may just have found your ways to stop snoring!

Read more about ways to stop snoring and see Gordon Bryan back a cure with his own money at:

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Snoring May Be More Than Just An Obnoxious Noise - What Is Snoring?

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Learn little known facts about what is snoring and why it can be dangerous to your health.

The truth about what is snoring may surprise you. Its much more than an aggravation. Keeping you spouse up at night because of snoring could be doing more than you know.


Some people may not realize that they snore until another person around them happens to hear and share the snoring secret. Then there are some who snore so loud that they are awakened by their own snoring.

The noise called snoring is made from a mixture of breathing and our throat muscles. When we sleep our body becomes relaxed, even our mouth and throat muscles. We become so relaxed that a palate in our throat sometimes partially blocks air from coming through properly. When the air doesn'tcome through all the way, the force of the blocked air makes the snoring sound.

Most often the person snoring is not bothered. Its those in the same room that give the complaints. Even though the person snoring is not complaining about it, it can be a major health problem.

Do you constantly wake up tired? Are you sleeping well over the recommended eight hours only to awake feeling like you could sleep another eight? Part of your problem could be due to snoring. Snoring impedes a restful nights sleep. Not only by keeping others awake, but also because the person that snores doesn'tget normal air flow.

This causes oxygen and carbon dioxide levels to vary from normal. The body has to work harder to maintain the balance. That'swhy you may still be tired when you awake in the morning. Plus even though you may not realize it, your normal sleep patterns can be interrupted by snoring. There'smore.

Snoring is often a pre-cursor to a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be deadly. Apnea is the absence of breathing. During periods of sleep apnea air flow stops completely. Symptoms are loud snoring followed by a long silence. It's during the long silence that no air flow is occurring.

Sleep apnea can cause individuals to snore heavily and to wake up constantly. Chronic sleep apnea is treatable. If you are concerned about your snoring, see a physician.

Adults are not the only ones who can suffer from snoring and sleep apnea, children can be affected as well. Snoring is much more than just a loud noise at night. Seek help if you snore.

If you are looking for home remedies for snoring and tips to help me stop snoring, click over to Mike Herman's site

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Snoring Exercise

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Are There Really Any Effective Tips To Help Me Stop Snoring?

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My wife complains that I snore.

I didn?t believe her until she tape-recorded my snoring, and I must admit, it was not a pretty sound. Most people associate snoring with deep sleep, unaware that it is a kind of dysfunction mainly cause by blocked nasal airways.

Statistics reveal that four out of every ten men and three out of every ten women suffer from this form of disorder. The root cause of snoring in most people is the soft palate, which vibrates as a person breathes. When a person sleeps, the muscles in the nose and throat become flaccid, which restricts the airflow in the nasal passage.

This causes the airways to vibrate and produce the typical snoring sound. All of which I discovered when I began seeking tips to help me stop snoring. I also discovered that for the tips to help me stop snoring to work, I needed to make some lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Changes

The cause of snoring in many people can be traced to their lifestyle, which may include heavy drinking, smoking, taking sleeping tablets, lack of physical exercise and improper sleeping posture.

The tips to help me stop snoring offered by medical experts required me to make the necessary lifestyle changes to put an end to this nagging habit, which disturbed and bothered my wife so much, disrupting her need for rest and sleep.

Accordingly, among the lifestyle changes I had to make was reducing my alcohol intake before sleeping, quitting my chronic smoking habit, taking up some form of physical exercise on a regular basis, and following a fixed routine of sleeping and waking up.

Anyone who makes such lifestyle changes is most likely to witness an improvement in a short time, I was assured.

Sleep posture correction

The tips to help me stop snoring also advised me to sleep in such a posture that did not restrict my nasal passage, enabling the easy flow of air through it.

Sleep posture correction is necessary because medical experts believe that it is the main cause of snoring in most people. By making a few adjustments to the sleeping posture, people can reduce or even get rid of their snoring problem.

Medical research conducted on sleeping people indicates that sleeping on one?s side reduces the amount of noise, whereas sleeping on one?s back increases the sound and frequency of snoring.

Sleep posture correction may also include the use of scientifically designed pillows and mattresses. I realized that selecting the right sleeping posture was probably the cheapest method of curing my snoring.

Other options to quit snoring

During my research on tips to help me stop snoring I also learnt that people who snore could try many other options to quit snoring, such as homeopathic remedies that are available in health food stores and the Internet.

However, it was also advised that people consult a registered medical practitioner before opting for such products. People who want instant relief can use nasal sprays that form a layer of lubricating oil within the airways, allowing the air to move freely.

This may not eliminate the root cause, but will certainly help in reducing the snoring. Other options to quit snoring also include surgical interventions like somnoplasty and coblation, which are procedures that involve piercing the ?soft palate? with a needle connected to a radio frequency machine.

There are also standard surgical procedures such as uvulopalatoplasty, which removes the unnecessary tissues of the soft palate.

I felt positive I could beat my snoring problem by choosing any of the wide selection of techniques available to me. Quitting snoring was necessary for me not only because it disturbed my wife, but also that it could lead to high blood pressure, or give me a heart attack or a stroke.

If you are looking for more tips to help stop snoring or maybe you need to stop snoring lose weight and end obesity , click over to Mike Herman's site at

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What Causes Snoring and Apnea

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Snoring is one of those problems obvious to everyone but the person with the problem. However, loud snoring is not a joke. - It can be deadly. For more than 10 million Americans, snoring is a warning sign. When loud snoring is interrupted by frequent episodes of totally obstructed breathing, it is known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Snoring is one of the most common health problems today and is one of the most reliable symptoms of apnea.

To determine what causes the problem of snoring, you should first be aware of what it is and what the effects are. Approximately 20% of the populations are now habitual snorers and more men than women suffer from the problem. It can be exacerbated by excess body weight and /or excessive alcohol consumption prior to sleeping. Another common problem that can put one at risk for snoring is smoking, which is an irritant to the upper airway. Despite considerable research devoted to snoring over many years, no progress has been made to a successful treatment for the problem.. Everyone finds the problem grows worse with age. The problem caused by the poor quality sleep, is a faster pulse and a lower level of oxygen in the blood during snoring.

Continually broken nights can leave you tired, irritable and resentful and may also affect your partner's health. Because of this, it is important to see your health professional if you routinely snore. The flow of air can be blocked because of excess tissue in the nose, mouth and throat, the position you sleep in or because of a health condition. Snoring calls for Treatment.

Children can also be at risk of serious health problems if they experience regular snoring. There are a number of reasons why children snore but the most common health problem in children that causes snoring is enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Consult your health professional for the most up-to-date information.

Sleep and Snoring Study. Classically, those with sleep apnea snore quite loudly for a bit, then are silent, then snort briefly, move about, and resume snoring. The most commonly performed test to determine sleep apnea and snoring is the all-night polysomnogram - or sleep study. They will record different physiologic measures during sleep. Aspects monitored include brain waves and stages of sleep, oxygen, respiratory effort, snoring, heart rate and rhythm, and muscular activity. To date, sleep researchers have identified approximately 80 different sleep disorders. Now theres a simple, minimally invasive option for treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and disruptive snoring. The impact of sleep apnea and snoring on sleep and health in the individual and for the public should not be ignored.

Let?s sum this up. Snoring is a common condition, snoring is almost always caused by some kind of blockage in the breathing passage, and snoring is the major symptom of sleep apnea. Snoring is a cry for help from a person strangling for air. A doctor can find out if you only have simple snoring, or if you?re snoring is a sign of OSA. Snoring is No Laughing Matter.

Gene Clark has studied sleep problems for years. For more news on snoring try visiting Apnea Sleep where you find resources and information on snoring relief, snoring devices, and the causes of snoring

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tips To Help Me Stop Snoring

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I for one am a snorer and am always looking for tips to help me stop snoring. In my household, my snoring is legendary, causing myself to be blamed for restless nights by everyone within ear shot including the dog. Although snoring is something that cannot be helped and contrary to popular belief, is not done on purpose there are a wide variety of options and treatments that can greatly help with the snoring process. My wife has long pressured me to find tips to help me stop snoring and these five tips are especially helpful.

Tip #1 Look At Your Medicine Cabinet

One of the more surprising tips to help me stop snoring is that medications on the market that can cause or increase snoring. These medications are usually those in the antihistamine or sleeping pill family, so you may need to change a prescription if you find yourself recently develop a problem snoring. When the throat muscles are relaxed, the noise can be greatly increased.

Tip #2 See Your Doctor

Snoring can be a serious problem. There are many medical conditions that can be linked to snoring, especially more threatening conditions like sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when your body completely stops breathing in the middle of the night and can be detrimental. If you wake up gasping for breath in the middle of the night, then that may be your clue that sleep apnea is at the root of your snoring problem. A trip to your doctor may be all that you need to find out exactly why you are snoring and exactly what can be done to preserve your health and your family's sanity.

Tip #3 You Are What You Eat

It seems like today that diet is blamed for everything from ingrown toenails to bad hair days. However, there is truth to the link between diet and snoring. For starters, that spare tire can add something else to your body besides an extra couple of pounds. Losing weight may be all it takes to drastically reduce or even stop your nightly noise. However, if you are going to lose weight, do it the smart way.

A proper diet and lots of exercise sure beats those fad diets that have you consuming outrageous amounts of greasy bacon or sour grapefruit. Also, adopting an exercise routine works great against the battle of the bulge and to quiet the cacophony. Tightening and toning your muscles works to whip those throat muscles in shape so that they are strong and resistant to snoring.

Tip #4 Change Your Habits

All of us have bad habits, but excessively consuming alcohol or smoking can actually cause your snoring to develop or worsen. In the end, you have to decide whether that extra drink or drag on a cigarette is worth a night of kicks and pokes from your frustrated partner who is looking for some peace and quiet.

Besides, smoking and drinking are considered negative for your health in the first place, so you can add a couple years onto your life. Your partner will surely be glad, especially since that means more years of quiet nights.

Tip #5 When All Else Fails, Blame Your Gender

Believe it or not, snoring is something that affects males more than females. Although this bit of trivia will not help you stop snoring, but it can help you on those mornings when your whole family has turned on you because of the deafening volume of your sawing logs.

Biologically speaking, males have a smaller nasal airway than women, so we are much more likely to snore than the fairer sex. The next time your wife complains about your snoring, try sweetening her up by complementing her lovely nasal passages.

If you are looking for more tips to help stop snoring or maybe you need to stop snoring lose weight and end obesity , click over to Mike Herman's site at

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do Those Stop Snoring Products Really Work?

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If you snore you've probably seen and heard about plenty of stop snoring aids that claim to work wonders. However, many are either totally false claims or only work for some snorers. Finding a product that works for you can seem difficult. Read on to learn what the best bets are when it comes to snoring related products.

Before you can find a viable cure you need to understand what may be causing your snoring. If you snore because you smoke buying a product that forces you to sleep on your side isn't really going to solve the problem of why you snore. There are many products available, but finding one that suits your specific needs is the only way you can find one that works.

One popular option is a throat spray. Most throat sprays work by helping to lubricate the throat which can prevent your breath from catching. Most of these sprays contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, almond oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, and peppermint oil. A throat spray is often a good starting point since they are typically inexpensive and safe to use.

A special pillow may be another viable option. These pillows are made of visco-elastic memory foam and special fibers which position your head in such a way that your airway remains open and free from obstruction. These can get a little pricy, but even if they don't prevent your snoring they can give you a better and more comfortable night's rest.

Nasal strips have also seen popularity recently. They works by forcing the nasal passages open wider to prevent obstruction. They are a good option since they are relatively inexpensive and do have a fairly high success rate.

If you only snore while lying on your back you may want to try one of several devices designed to force you to sleep on your side. Some of the cruder devices include simply sewing a tennis ball into the back of your night shirt to prevent you from sleeping on your back. Other devices include one which emits a beep when you roll onto your back, thus conditioning the user to always sleep on their side.

Finding a snoring solution that works for you can take some time. Speak to your doctor and find out the source of your snoring. This should better help you find the solution that is right for you.

Thomas Wilson writes about how to stop snoring and other related topics for the website. Read more and sign up for our free newsletter at

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Is Losing Weight A Solution For Snoring Problems?

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Obesity is one of the most common causes of snoring.

This would indicate that the simplest cure for snoring is weight loss.

But if only it were that easy!

Snoring occurs when the air passages are blocked and there is no free flowing air. When you're overweight the airways will be blocked by the pressure of the added weight. This is particularly so if the extra weight you carry is evident on your throat and neck.

One of the most effective ways to stop snoring is to tone the muscles and tissues around your neck and to lose weight.

Everyone knows that it's unhealthy to carry extra weight since this leads to high risk for heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Yet for many people the ability and inclination to lose weight is missing.

Snoring is just one other complaint to add to the list of problems that obesity causes. However, as well as harming your own health, snoring that is caused by obesity also affect those around you and can have a harmful effect on your relationship.

Losing weight doesn't have to be all about sacrifice. All it takes is the commitment to exercise and increase your daily activity. You might not even have to restrict the calories that you consume in one day as this will all depend on your current diet.

You need to speed up your body's metabolism naturally. This will help you lose weight and will also aid with some physiological functions such as elimination and excretion. When your body gets more oxygen, and the circulation is improved, the cells will function more efficiently. Your body will be able to eliminate waste products more easily.

When your body rids itself of toxins instead of storing them in your body fat there is less aggravation to some body systems. The mucous membranes will be less inflamed and congested, and this can mean less snoring.

The best way to give your body a metabolic boost is through aerobic exercise. However, this doesn't mean that you have to spend hours in a dance studio. You can add aerobic exercise to your daily activity in a variety of creative ways. Some of the aerobic things that you can do include walking the dog (or your neighbors dog), taking a walk during your lunch hour rather than spending time on the internet, using the stairs instead of the elevator, doing housework, cycling, or gardening.

Check with your doctor if you have a lot of weight to lose and want to start exercising. You'll want to start slowly and then increase your level of exercise as you go. Your partner will soon notice a change in your snoring so this will be your incentive to keep working!

Your partner will come to appreciate the new you and be less tired and irritable when they get a rest night of sleep without having you snore next to them.

Losing weight has many health benefits so you'll have nothing to lose but your snoring!

Thomas Wilson writes about the causes of snoring and other snoring-related topics on the Snoring Solutions website. Visit to sign up for our free newsletter and find out more about snoring-related problems.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When Snoring Becomes A Problem

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People often make fun of those who snore. The truth is, snoring is a real problem and affects around 90 million Americans. It is even the cause of some domestic disputes. If one spouse is afflicted with this condition, it can result in couples sleeping in separate rooms.

The serious problematic snorer may also suffer from sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing for a period of time. Frequent snoring can also lead to some serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and fatigue. If you snore, first get checked by a doctor and then try to eliminate this from your bedtime ritual.

First, it is important to find out what exactly causes snoring. Snoring is basically noisy breathing from your mouth or nose when you are sleeping. The noise is caused by an obstruction to your airflow, which can be caused by congestion from a blocked nose. It can also be caused by the base of your tongue or soft tissue in your upper palate or throat getting in the way of your airflow. When lying down, the congestion, tongue, or soft tissue falls back into your throat causing the obstruction. The cure is to eliminate this blockage and open the compressed airways. There are a number of remedies to achieve this.

Lifestyle changes are one area where your can try to correct this condition. Since excessive weight and alcohol abuse are often associated with snoring, exercise, weight loss, and abstinence from alcohol are all remedies. Smoking also contributes to changes in respiratory tissue that contribute to snoring, so quitting this habit may also help you.

Remedies also exist in the drug store. You can purchase over-the-counter remedies such as anti-snoring pills, throat sprays, and nasal strips. These are all aimed at preventing throat and nose swelling and promoting ease of airflow.

Remedies also exist in your sleep habits. First, sleeping pills and tranquilizers should be avoided, as well as allergy medications and antihistamines that cause extreme sedating effects. You should also try to get more sleep by going to bed earlier or sleeping later.

Another trick is to sleep on you stomach or side. Most people who snore sleep on their backs. This causes their tongues or tissues to obstruct their airways. A different sleep position may be an easy remedy for you. If you find you keep rolling into the back position during the night, sew a long pocket on the back of your pajama top and put tennis balls in it. When you roll on your back it will be too uncomfortable and you will revert to a side or stomach position.

Sleeping on a firm mattress may also help. This will enable you to keep your neck straight to reduce airway obstruction. You can also elevate your bed by placing blocks of wood under your headboard. This will eliminate the tissue from vibrating in your throat as much.

Adding pillows to your bed will also change your sleep angle and prop you up. But if the pillows are just kinking your neck, then get rid of all of them because they will be more of a hindrance than a help. The idea is to adjust the entire torso angle, not just the neck.

It is important to try to correct this condition of snoring , so as to not cause more problems to your life - whether they are domestic or physical. Some simple sleep or lifestyle habits are likely to help. If it becomes really bothersome, you can turn to dental implants, medication, or surgery options.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Stop Irritating Your Partner - Learn How To Prevent Snoring

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There is no argument that snoring can be irritating to not only your spouse or bed partner, but also your whold house. This is why there are so many ideas and products being thought of to try to find a remedy on how to prevent snoring.

Before you can learn how to prevent snoring you need to know what causes you to snore. The culprit causing you to snore isnt the same for everyone.

The Key To Learning How To Prevent Snoring

Anyone who has had success in learning how to prevent snoring will agree the key lies behind the diagnosis. Here are some common and rare snoring causes:

Being Overweight
The way you sleep
What you are sleeping on
Broken nose
Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
Nasal Congestion
Chronic sleep Apnea
Alcohol or medication

If you believe that one or a couple of these problems may be causing you to snore, see a doctor. If you believe you know what is causing you to snore, there are some remedies that may help you learn how to prevent snoring.

For many the position you lay in could cause you to snore more. When you are busy sawing logs have you ever been nudged, or jolted awake, by your partner in the hopes that you'll turn over and stop snoring? Sometimes this will work. Sleeping on your back seems to encourage snoring. The best position to lie for less snoring is on your side. Even the size or feel of a pillow can be to blame for snoring. Laying flat is not normally recommended for those who snore.

If you're overweight, you might want to try dieting. Losing some extra weight can tremendously help your breathing and therefore your snoring. This can be a challenge but I believe if you eat early, not at night and add exercise to your daily routine that this is achievable for anyone.

If your snoring is due to an accident causing injury to your nose, the home remedies wont work. Sometimes surgery may be necessary to correct these problems. Simple nasal congestion can cause snoring but it is usually temporary.

For kids, you should look into tonsils and adenoids. An ear, nose and throat specialist can get a closer look at what their snoring cause is. Stuffy noses will cause breathing to occur through the mouth. Mouth breathing is almost sure to result in snoring.

Of course you may not have anything causing you to snore other than taking medication or drinking alcohol. Sleeping pills or another aid used to treat a condition might be relaxing your tongue and soft palate too much.

Dont just put a pillow over your face and try to sleep, see doctor if you can't stop snoring.

If you are looking for more home remedies for snoring and tips to help stop snoring click over to Mike Herman's site at

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Friday, March 21, 2008

3 Tips - How Do I Stop My Husband From Snoring

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Snoring is a sign of human disease called sleep apnea. Severe sleep apnea is potentially fatal if left untreated. In severe cases, the sleeper may stop breathing for a minute or even longer which cause the heart attack. To stop your husband from snoring(in some cases, your wife), you husband will become more healthy and you will released from the troubles. Here are 3 tips helping you to stop your husband from snoring.

1. Use lower pillow. Unlike the traditional wisdom, sleeping on too many pillows may stretch and narrow the nasal passage. This will cause serious medical disorder - sleep apnea. However some people feel better using higher pillows. I recommend inserting some books under your husband's pillow in this case.

2. Sew a small object into your husband's pajama top near the small of his back, for example a tennis ball. This will keep your husband sleeping from his back. Usually men will stop snoring if they sleep on their sides because when sleeping on your back, the lower jaw tends to drop open which will make breathing more difficult.

3. Do not drink alcohol before coming to bed. Do not drink milk or dairy products. Increase humidity to your bedroom. Let your husband taking honey several times a week. And if all tricks fails, try to fall asleep before husband and use earplugs.

Do you know that professional singers never have the snoring problem? Click the lick below to see why and how to use the exercise singers do to stop snoring.

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Do Astronauts Snore? How Zero Gravity Affects Snoring

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Many people snore every night and don?t give a second thought to the whys or hows. Many scientists believe that snoring is possible partly thanks to gravity, and if this were true a lowered state of gravity would mean it is impossible to snore. Do astronauts snore? This question has been discussed since mankind has pushed into the final frontier. Luckily we have had many opportunities to test out this theory.

Upon the completion of two studies on space sleep and snoring, both showed that five astronauts completely stopped snoring while in space. In addition to that, several astronauts who suffered from sleep apnea (a condition in which a person stops breathing momentarily in their sleep) were cured of all symptoms while in space. Many scientists thought that they had the answer to their question and without a certain amount of gravity snoring is highly unlikely.

In 1998 another sleep study was done aboard the shuttle Columbia. Scientists wanted to see how an artificial environment would affect how the astronauts slept and their breathing. The result? The astronauts snored and in addition actually breathed less, prompting many to think that breathing is more difficult in space. However, there are many factors that can contribute to a person snoring, such as high weight, large neck size, and alcohol consumption. Typically these traits are not typical of the physically fit astronaut. It is also possible that motion sickness plays a part in snoring which has nothing to do with gravity.

Unfortunately there is no conclusive research that can determine whether or not all astronauts snore and under what conditions. Many scientists are in disagreement over the research collected but almost all can agree there isn?t enough to make any definite conclusions. There are many correlations between snoring and gravity, but there are so many extenuating circumstances this question may be unanswered for many years to come.

John Lenaghan writes about snoring treatments and other snoring-related topics for the Snoring Solutions website. Get more helpful advice at

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Snoring: Relief With Home Remedies

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Snoring is a dysfunction that is caused in the mechanism of the human body. The muscles in your soft palate, throat and tongue relax when you are in deep sleep, closing the airway partially.

If the muscles in the throat relax enough, the air coming in and out of the lungs through this airway gets obstructed, and the resultant vibration of the air causes the snoring.

Home remedies for snoring can be very effective in providing you relief from this problem. These home remedies for snoring are not only easy to implement but they can prove to be potential solutions in eliminating or controlling snoring.

Cope With Snoring By Exercise And Weight Loss

Regular exercise is one of the most effective home remedies for snoring. It can be very helpful in controlling the level of snoring. Simple stretching and walking can do wonders for you.

Exercise will tone your body and the breathing muscles, and prevents congestion in the upper respiratory tract. Aerobic exercises also strengthen lung capacity and improve your cardiovascular health. However, it is advised not to exercise just before going to bed, as your body will be too stimulated to sleep.

Exercising regularly is important for it to be most effective.

Home Remedies For Snoring Also Include Weight Loss:

Your weight can contribute to your snoring problem, because excessive weight around the chest and neck can cause pressure on the muscles that ensure normal breathing.

Losing a few pounds can bring considerable improvement in snoring.

Developing an active lifestyle along with healthy eating habits can help you reduce weight, and curb your snoring problems.

Avoid Sedatives, Alcohol and Smoking:

The use of drugs and sedatives can aggravate your snoring problems.

Sedatives depress the central nervous system and relax the muscles and throat tissues excessively. If you have sleep apnea, which causes obstruction in breathing, you are advised to avoid drugs and sedatives as they affect the brain?s ability to arouse you from sleep, thus holding up the breathing process.

Snoring can also be caused due to smoking as it brings about changes in the tissues of your respiratory system, and blocks the air passage.

Smoking can increase the congestion in the nose and throat, causing swelling in the upper air passage of your throat. It also reduces the oxygen intake by the lungs.

Moreover, it is advised to avoid the intake of alcohol at least four hours before going to bed.

Sleeping Posture For Relief From Snoring:

Changing the sleeping posture is another effective method of home remedies for snoring.

You will need to realign your posture while sleeping to control snoring. Avoid sleeping on your back as your tongue and soft palate narrow the airway, because they fall back into the throat in this posture.

It is better for people who snore to sleep on their stomach, as it will help in reducing the pressure on the airway passage. Adjust your bed in such a way so that your torso gets raised.

Placing some wood blocks unde the headboard of your bed can achieve this, or you could put some pillows under your head so that the angle of your torso is higher. However, if the pillows cause sprain in your neck, avoid using them.

You could use a firm mattress instead of a soft one so that your neck is held straight while sleeping, instead of sinking in.


Regular intake of some prescribed medicines to stop snoring also comes under the category of home remedies for snoring.

If you have been prescribed anti snoring pills, nasal strips and throat sprays to keep the air passage open, then it is important to follow your doctors prescription and take them on time.

Anti-snoring pills contain herbs and plant enzymes that control the swelling of tissues in the throat and nose.

Snoring is not a disease, but it can cause several physical and emotional problems if not treated.

According to surveys, forty five percent of adults snore occasionally and twenty five percent do habitually.

A healthy approach towards life can help curb your snoring problem with relative ease.

If you are looking for more stop snoring remedies and tips to help stop snoring click over to Mike Herman's site at

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Cause of Snoring

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The cause of snoring is firmly in the top 5 of the most searched for snoring phrases online.

It's hardly surprising. Estimates vary, but it's thought that between 30-50% of the population snores at some point. Combine that will all the non-snoring suffering spouses, and you have a lot of people wanting to know what the cause is!

To put it simply, the cause of smoking is blocked airways. The soft palate and the throat rub together, and it's the air struggling to get through the reduced airway that cause the vibration, and hence causes the snoring sound.

So we need to look at the various reasons for the airways being blocked. It can be down to simply the position you sleep in. If you sleep on your back, your tongue may slip backwards into your throat and you have your blockage.

A major cause of snoring is being overweight. The build up of fat around the neck makes it heavy, so it weighs down on your throat when you sleep, restricting the air flow.

Smoking doesn't help, the chemicals in cigarettes irritate the tissue in the throat which creates a reduction is space and a cause of snoring.

Alcohol can also contribute, since it is a relaxant, and relaxed muscles will lead to the tongue falling back again.

Eating too close to going to bed won't help, because this will increase pressure on the diaphragm due to undigested food sitting in the stomach.

Milk before bed can also restrict the airflow by causing a build up of mucus in the throat.

The cause of snoring may hereditary - if your parents snore, it is possible that you will because you have inherited a narrow throat, or a deformed nose.

A stressful lifestyle is another cause, with tension and tightness in the muscles paradoxically causing the same effect as too much relaxation, the reduced air passage.

A final cause to mention is simply a dry throat - if there isn't enough moisture in the atmosphere, this can cause the vibration to bring on snoring.

As we can see, although the cause of snoring can be put down to blocked airways, there are many reasons for blocking those airways, and it's by addressing those that we can cut out the snoring!

See Gordon Bryan back up a snoring solution with his own money at

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Snoring and Smoking - Partners in Crime

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Did you know that snoring may have a connection with smoking? There is much information published about the dangers of smoking. The negative effects of smoking on heart, circulatory and respiratory health are widely recognised. A less well publicised effect of smoking, however, is that it increases the chances that you will snore. Studies showing the link between smoking and snoring have been published in medical journals such as the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. These studies have concluded that smokers are more likely to suffer from habitual snoring (defined as loud, sleep-disturbing snoring, a minimum of three nights a week) than non-smokers. It was also found that ex-smokers had a higher incidence of snoring than people who had never smoked. In addition, those exposed to passive smoking on a regular basis, also had a higher chance of developing heavy snoring.

The evidence points to a very clear conclusion: if you smoke or are constantly exposed to environmental smoke (passive smoking) you are more likely to be a chronic snorer. The main idea behind these findings is that the chemicals contained in tobacco smoke can irritate the linings of the airways. This causes them to inflame, which in turn makes them narrower. This narrowing of the airways, including the nasal passages, obstructs the normal flow of air when breathing and results in snoring.

Some scientists also think that, when asleep, the body suffers from a form of nicotine withdrawal which can cause chemical changes within cells related to the breathing process and these changes can contribute to snoring. A third school of thought is that nicotine causes damage to the nerves controlling the airways. Again, this can lead to snoring.

You can now see that there are very strong links between smoking and snoring. They are also connected in other ways. Smoking does not just damage the person smoking - the effects of passive smoking can also be serious. In the same way heavy snoring reaches out to destroy the sleep of anyone within earshot of the snorer. Like smoking, snoring can cause a lot of stress and strain relationships. Wouldn't it be great if you could 'kill two birds with one stone'? If you could stop snoring (or at least reduce it greatly) by giving up smoking.

We all know that smoking is very addictive and that it is not an easy habit to break. We also all know the benefits that giving up will bring: greater energy, fresher breath and odour free clothes, healthier heart and lungs, a cleaner and healthier environment for your loved ones. If you now add to these benefits the fact that you can stop snoring, this may provide the extra motivation you need to kick the habit. Just imagine yourself breathing easily at night, no noisy snoring to disturb you or your partner. You both awake the next morning, refreshed and energised after a snoring free night, ready to face the day ahead with clarity. By giving up smoking you can make your wish of 'no more snoring' come true.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Snoring

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tempurpedic Pillow Relieves Snoring

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Your mattress is wonderful but not so your sleep. The noise from your partner's snoring is keeping you up at night. Or maybe you're the one snoring, and your partner's the one kept awake.

There could be health problems associated with snoring, but getting relief from snoring could lie in simply changing your mattress and pillow. A tempurpedic pillow could just be the solution to a quieter night's rest.

Snoring Could be a Health Problem

The fact is, snoring is bothersome for the one listening to it. But, it may be dangerous to the health of the snorer. Sleep apnea, where the sleeper stops breathing for a time and then snorts or snores, can be fatal or lead to disabling conditions. Some believe that any snoring could be a problem.

Begin with a Good Mattress

Fortunately, there are simple methods you can apply to reduce snoring. Most important of all is to have a good mattress. It has been proven that sleeping on your back increases the frequency and intensity of snoring. A well-used mattress may not be as firm, and sag in places causing you to roll onto your back. Ensure that you mattress is giving good support for your spine and neck so they are aligned.

Tempurpedic Foam Mattress

A good mattress that can prevent sagging is one that is made from visco-elastic memory foam. Its unique feature is that it contours to your body, and at the same time support you with good firmness. And did I say it's comfortable as well? These are features of the tempur material.

Once you have decided that your mattress is appropriate, take a look at your pillow. If your pillow is thin, you can be sure it's is not doing your neck any good. Not to mention that the dust mites that make their dwelling in old bedding and pillows can cause your allergies to recur. This could very well cause your snoring to become worse.

The tempurpedic pillow helps support the neck the same way a tempurpedic mattress supports the back. It has a gentle curve that contours to the neck and spine. This decreases the floppiness in the throat that produces an obstructed airway. And a blocked air passageway is the main cause of snoring.

By choosing the right size pillows, you get the just the right curve for your neck. Kids should choose the junior size while most women require the small or medium. Small to average men should choose the medium, but taller or larger men may need the large pillow.

A recent study discovered that most snorers who made the switch to the memory foam pillow had a more productive day and felt more relaxed. Their partners also reported sleeping better because of less snoring.


While snoring doesn't do anyone any good, and may need to be checked by a doctor, the solution may actually be as simple as changing your old mattress and pillow. With a tempurpedic mattress and pillow, your neck and spine are well aligned, allowing for easy breathing and the beginning of many good nights of sleep.

Want to get a good night's sleep? For more on Tempurpedic Pillow and other sleep alternatives as well as mattress comparison tips go to Foam Mattress Central

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Top 5 Air Purifiers - Reduce Allergies, Stop Snoring, Remove Odor

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I need "a breath of fresh air" we'll often say. It's more than just taking a break - that "clean air" rejuvenates our respiratory system. We yearn for the purity of crisp forest air. Air purifiers help you achieve this in your home and office.

Add to this that most of us spend as much as 90% of our time indoors. Every day we breathe in natural air borne pollutants such as tobacco smoke, pet dander, dust, mold, mildew and pollen. Add the chemical pollutants from common household cleaners, wallpaper, carpeting and your house could be toxic. Next thing your respiratory system is irritated, sinus or allergies aggravated and perhaps asthma attacks are triggered.

Here are the five most popular air purifiers. This will help you find a good purifier and cut through the marketing baloney

#1 IQAir HealthPro and the IQAir HealthPro Plus is one of the world's most advanced air cleaners. It is the only residential air cleaner to use HyperHEPA technology that is used in modern medical laboratories. This means these purifiers remove more pollution than conventional air cleaners. Germany's consumer foundation rated the IQAir HealthPro Plus the most effective for allergy sufferers. It's expensive but then it covers double the area of most other air cleaners. Plus it has an excellent warranty of 5 years.

#2 Honeywell Enviracaire 50250 Air Purifier is a compact unit perfect for just one-room or apartment dwellers. It has an activated charcoal prefilter that reduces odors from tobacco smoke, cooking, nursery, pet and plant odors. However, it is rather loud so make sure you can live with the noise. Highly affordable but check out the filter replacement price.

#3 Whirlpool Whispure 450 Air Purifier won't disturb your sleep. Its highly energy efficient using about the same wattage as a light bulb. Make sure you check its dimensions, as it's a larger unit compared with other brands.

#4 Alen A350 Air Purifier has great performance and is affordable, Perfect for a single room or office. The color d?cor needs work in that the cover is a very obvious Outer Space Blue.

#5 Blueair 601 Air Purifier is large but not unsightly. It's built from steel and its 10-year warranty inspires durability. Its on rollers so is easy to move around. It?s quiet and the filters are easy to change.

Compare the features on all five units

Read in depth articles air cleaner articles

Author Robin Derry is publisher for a specialty information site that gives solutions to health, household, sport, travel and legal needs

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Link Between Snoring And Allergies Revealed

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The noise that we all associate with snoring is a results of trying to force air through block or partially blocked airways. While it isn't an illness in itself, snoring is often a symptom of other conditions one of which could be an allergic reaction.

Allergic rhinitis is a condition where the membrane lining the throat and nose becomes inflamed. It's often set off by an allergic reaction to something that is inhaled. You've probably heard of seasonal allergic rhinitis - it's more commonly known as hayfever.

When the lining becomes inflamed, it causes the airway to be blocked which can lead to snoring.

Hayfever is usually caused by trees, grass or other plant pollen and it's usually a problem in the spring and summer. If you suffer from it all year (known as perennial allergic rhinitis) it's often due to dust, dust mites, mould spores or pet fur.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are familiar to most people:

- itchy eyes and nose
- sneezing
- red, watery eyes
- runny or plugged nose
- headache
- and of course, snoring

If you haven't been able to figure out what's causing your hayfever, your doctor may give you a skin-prick test to determine exactly what is causing it. Even then, the cause is not always easy to determine so you may not be able to get rid of the cause.

In these cases, you'll probably turn to some type of allergy medication. The problem with these medications, as it related to snoring, is that many of them contain antihistamines.

Antihistamines are often effective at treating allergies, but they're also a depressant. As such, they can lead to the muscles in your throat and neck becoming more relaxed than normal while you sleep. When these muscles relax, it can lead to more severe snoring than normal.

If you're suffering from allergies and are snoring at night, it's best to avoid antihistamines before going to bed. If you need to use any medication, try to stick to a nasal decongestant, which can help your breathing while not contributing further to a snoring problem.

As with any health concerns, if you suspect you suffer from allergies or have a snoring problem you should always consult with a health care professional to get their informed opinion.

John Lenaghan writes about stopping snoring and other snoring related topics for the Snoring Solutions website. For more information visit

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

5 Amazing Tips To Help You Stop Snoring

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Don?t you hate it when you have a bedmate that snores while sleeping? Or, you?re the one who snores and your bedmate can?t stand it?

Either way, try these amazing tips. Soon you?ll stop snoring and everyone can sleep peacefully all through the night.

? Pick a Pillow or Two

The more air that gets through, the less likely the person is to snore. Some try it by lying on their side and putting some pillows under the head. This will not only make sleeping more comfortable, but also make it snore-free. Simply experiment with a number of pillows and adjust until the snore lessens or even stops.

There are also special pillows you can purchase. They create a contour under the neck of the person who snores. This contour works by opening up the throat. In general, they are designed to aid the snoring problem regardless of which position the snorer sleeps in. Yet, these pillows These can be quite costly so you?d better do a full research before deciding to buy one.

? Get Some Nose Strips

Not only these strips are effective for many people, they are also inexpensive. No need to apply the strips during the day. You simply wear them when you go to sleep.
When applied, the strips help opening the nostrils. The idea is that when the nose is held open the person it is applied to will not snore because they are able to breathe without obstruction.

? Sing Your Favorite Songs

Yes, apparently singing can help you stop snoring.
When you sing you are exercising the muscles of your throats. You use those muscles each day while talking but they get a more extensive work out when you sing. These are the same muscles used when a person snores.
If those muscles weaken a bit you might be more prone to snoring.

Isn?t it nice to stop snoring with something you might enjoy?

? Acupressure

Acupressure is known as an alternative way to healing. And, it also can help you who have snoring problem.

The key is in the pressure on your little finger. By applying pressure to your little finger, the mechanisms that cause snoring aren?t triggered.

Or, you can visit some experts of the art of acupressure. They might likely apply pressure to certain parts of your body to help you stop snoring.

Another choice is to wear a device that produces pressure on your little finger throughout the night.

? No Sleeping Pills

No matter how bad your snoring problem is, make sure you don?t use any pills at all. The aim of the pills is not to help you stop snoring. They only help you to get relaxed.

The best way is to find the cause of your snoring problem and try one of the above tips.

Riana Lance has a deep concern on health. Get her inspirational e-mail guides on How to Stop Snoring at Also, grasp her other motivational health tips at, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.

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Easy Home Remedies For Curing Snoring

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Snoring is not a disease. It is a sort of an imbalance in the human body mechanism. Though, it is quite embarrassing for those who know that they snore. It causes a peculiar kind of disturbance and amusement to those around the person who is snoring.

Well, if the level of snoring could be controlled or eliminated altogether, it would be a good contribution to social peace. And it is certainly possible with some very easy home remedies.

1. Try some realignment with the sleeping postures. Elevate your head with pillows; or raise the head of your bed by several inches. The chances of your throat muscle blocking the air passage, when they relax in sleep are less. Don't sleep on your back. You are giving absolute freedom for the snoring exercise by doing so. Your tongue and soft palate fall back, narrowing the airway.

2. Next remedy for curing snoring is to bring in some lifestyle changes in your living. In addition to snoring, this step may solve many other problems as well.

Exercise regularly and lose extra pounds of your body. Prohibit the habit of smoking and drinking as alcohol relaxes the throat muscles and blocks the air passages further. Smoking also puts additional blocks in the air passages and leads to snoring. If you are in the habit of taking sleeping pills, antihistamines and tranquilizers, avoid them. They all help the cause of snoring.

3. Some over the counter medications can also be categorized under the home remedies. They are anti-snoring pills, throat sprays and nasal strips. The reason for their being counted as home remedies is that the ingredients contained in the anti-snoring pills are plant enzymes and herbs. They control nose and throat tissues from swelling. Thus they are conducive for smoother airflow that counters snoring.

4. Any drug free medication is equivalent to a home remedy. The formula of such medication is based on the experience of generations.

Then there are some drug-free snoring aids that keep your jaw in a pushed forward position. It is also known as the ?mandibular advancement splint?. Its function is to open up your airways and it is reported to have helped in stopping snoring in more than 80% of the cases. Many models of these types of apparatus are available in the market.

The combination of all your conscious efforts on the lines indicated above should help you reduce the level of snoring. You have begun to think about the problem. You are working on it daily. You will soon see the good results and come out of the embarrassing situation- sooner than you expected! & Disease Remedies provides detailed information on remedies, natural remedies, disease remedies and more.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Facts About Snoring

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Snoring is a worldwide phenomenon with estimates of over one billion people who snore due to some sort of nasal or airway blockage. Conservative estimates indicate that the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom represent over 70 million snorers alone.

Research into the problems of snoring has in recent years made important findings and yielded to the evidence of significant problems with snoring. Findings suggest that by their early thirties, twenty percent of men snore as compared to only five percent of women. Findings indicate a dramatic increase as men and women reach their sixties indicating that sixty percent of men and forty percent of women snore.

There are obvious differences in the percentages of men and women that snore. The reason for the difference involves the size of a person?s neck, typically an effect of being overweight. Men tend to have larger necks than women do, and having a neck of 17 inches or larger makes it likely a person will snore. Surveys indicate that 80 percent of men that snore do not consider themselves to have a problem and in fact consider their spouses to be light sleepers.

Women that snore tend to be heavier and shorter than women that do not snore are. Women typically snore through their noses whereas men snore through their noses and mouths. Women are also more likely than men are to seek treatment for snoring. Women typically snore less than men due to smaller necks and larger air passages. Women also have a smaller uvula that makes them less likely to snore.

Snorers do not usually notice their own snoring and are unaware unless it is pointed out for them. Snorers also tend to be deep, comfortable sleepers. Tonsil and adenoid problems can be major contributors to the snoring of children, though studies indicate that as few as six percent of all children snore.

There is concern that the medical community does not take the area of snoring serious enough. General practitioners typically do not ask patients about their sleep. Studies indicate that of the 70 percent of patients that mention sleep problems to their doctors, only about ten percent of them attempt to seek further help. Dentists who fit patients with snoring devices do not routinely ask patients about sleeping problems.

The problem of snoring and related sleep disorders is not widely known to the medical community or the public. Both require education on the subject to orient them to this significant problem. Snoring is often considered the first sign of a sleep disorder. Sleep apnea is the most significant problem of those who snore. It is a potential danger for the person and those around them as sleep disorders represent a significant cause of vehicle accidents. Of those suffering from sleep apnea, 70 percent report having been in at least one car accident. Recent studies indicate that more vehicle accidents are caused by sleep disorders than by drunk driving.

Elizabeth Radisson is the editor of, a website devoted to information on the causes and treatment of snoring. Also, visit for more health-related information.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Causes Of Snoring And How To Treat It

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Treatments or anti-snoring devices have a big and profitable market. Even a cursory glance at the Internet can reveal the hundreds and thousands of websites touting products that have been designed to help people who wish to stop snoring. However, a lot of the heavy snorers can help themselves to reduce their own volume but following a few simply tips that can help to deal with snoring.

The first important thing to note is that most of the so-called snoring "treatments" are not treatments in any sense of the word. They are actually lifestyle changes that address snoring indirectly by attacking presumed causes. For example, a common cause of snoring is obesity or excess weight.

There are many people out there who never had a problem with snoring but as soon as their weight ballooned, they started snoring. In case this sounds to similar to your case then the simplest thing to do is to lose that additional weight. You do not have to gain a lot of weight before snoring beings. Even a gain of as little as ten pounds can get you going at night.

In case there is no problem with excess weight then the next most likely cause of snoring can be an allergy. While this is a common problem and in most cases an avoidance of allergy leads to reduction in snoring, the problem is finding out exactly what you are allergic to. It could be dust, pet hair, environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, etc. If you have a pet, keep it outside. If you are sensitive to some plant aromas then get rid of them. Use air filters to clean cigarette smoke and other pollutants. Keep the bed-sheets and blankets clean.

Another common problem is a bad sleeping position. A majority of snorers sleep on their back. If you do the same then try sleeping in a different position. This can be difficult, as the body tends to revert to its habitual position soon after sleep but keep trying. Also, try to raise your head by the use of an additional pillow. Sometimes, an elevated head position can be of great help.

A lot of snoring results from a dry throat. If you wake up to find your throat parched and painful and perhaps a difficulty in swallowing due to roughness then you have a dryness problem. Buy a humidifier to keep the air moist in your bedroom so that the airways do not dry out.

Alcohol is a very powerful dehydrating agent. People with snoring problems should strictly avoid alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol causes water to evaporate very fast. If you have it before going to bed it will mix with saliva and completely dry out the mouth and upper throat.

And lastly, there are always anti-snoring devices for you to try out before going for prescription drugs.

For more info on how to stop snoring, please visit our website. Stop Snoring

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Snoring At Night? Try These Self-Care Tips

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People used to laugh and make fun of your loud snores you make each night. But time passes and you realize it's not funny anymore. Your kids start complaining, and your wife is sleeping in the other room.

But what makes someone snore anyway?

At night, when you are in deep sleep, the throat and other tissues relax, causing the throat tissues to sag. When the air passes through the airway as you breathe, the air vibrates and hence, snoring occurs.

Statistics show that there are more male snorers than female snorers, because men have larger necks, and females have this hormone called Progesterone, which is looked upon as an aid against snoring.

Snoring is more than just a vibration that you hear which often disturbs your sleep. It's more of a nuisance, because for obvious reasons, it distracts you from getting that much-needed rest you desperately want. And you know what little sleep can do for you.

Further, it could wreck your relationship with the people at home. It could cause further misunderstanding and could create gaps.

Unfortunately, one of the worst problems associated with snoring is a condition called sleep apnea. Apnea came from a Greek word which means absence of breathing. Obviously, in this condition, the snorer has periods when he stops breathing, which he is not aware of. This scenario makes it a life-threatening problem, which should be taken seriously. Obese, middle-aged men are more prone to have this disease.

But don't worry. As scary as it seems, there are self care tips you should do in order to prevent your snoring.

1. Know which food you're allergic to and get rid of it. If dairy food makes you allergic, then don't eat it before sleeping.

2. Stay away from sedatives. Sure, sleeping pills relax you, but they relax you too much that your tissues sag. Anything that relaxes tissues around the head and neck will cause you to snore. Try other things that will put you to sleep.

3. Sleep on your side, not on your back. When you sleep on your back, your tongue falls backward to your throat.

4. Stop smoking. Smoking is a contributing factor to snoring.

5. Shed some pounds because overweight people tend to be snorers.

6. Avoid alcohol hours before bedtime, because while it puts you to sleep, it relaxes your tissues.

7. Don't place your pillow under your head when you sleep.

But if none of these works, then you might consider surgery as an option. In this case, medical advice should be sought.

This article appears on Free Articles On Health is the newest article directory that offers a wide range of topics and health issues. Visit us now for more free quality content like this one, or to submit your own health articles.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stop Snoring By Knowing It's Causes

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Snoring is a very common problem and it can be especially trying for couples or people who share rooms. Very loud snorers can even prove to be a problem to other people several rooms away.

However, there are several options that can be tried out with a view to stop snoring.

One of the biggest reasons that cause snoring is a wrong sleeping position. So perhaps all you need to do is change your sleeping position and it might be an instant cure. According to studies the rate of snoring among people who sleep on their back is higher than those who do not.

Head elevation is another factor that plays a part in snoring. So try elevating your head by a few more inches with the use a second pillow.

Many people are unaware of the fact that secondary conditions, like obesity for example, can also affect snoring. If you are overweight and you have a snoring problem then you should consider reducing a bit. Weight loss has proven to be a good preventative measure for many people. Though merely thinking of weight loss can make people tired in reality, it is not that difficult. All one needs is a good program that includes a diet chart prepared by a dietician or nutritionist combined with an exercise routine. Follow the routine to lose those extra pounds. Your snoring might go away.

Allergies are another cause of snoring. If you know or suspect that you have allergies to airborne substances then install air filtration units. In addition, follow means that lead to the removal of dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke, etc. and which help to keep the air in your environment clean. Clean air will help with whatever allergies you have and reduce or stop snoring.

If nothing works, or works in a limited way, and you are not satisfied with the results of the above few examples, one option remains open for you. That is the purchasing of an anti-snoring device.

Anti-snoring devices provide comfortable support for the jaw while keeping the mouth closed and thereby preventing snoring. Snoring is impossible with a closed mouth even though sometimes the sound seems to come out of the nose.

Please note that all the information that has just been provided to you has been in good faith and based on personal or anecdotal experience. This is not professional medical advice. These tips are merely meant as starting points that you can try but as always with all remedies, it is best to consult your doctor.

For more info on how to stop snoring, please visit our website. Stop Snoring

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

7 Great Tips To Help You Stop Snoring

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Snoring is a serious problem that can drastically affect your life and that of those around you. Sleep is essential for a healthy and stress-free life, and if your sleep is being disturbed by your snoring or by that of your partner, it is high time you take some action to remedy that.

* A common cause of snoring seems to be too much body weight. You should exercise to lose weight and your snoring should naturally stop.

* Your sleeping position may be a factor in whether you snore or not. It seems that sleeping on the back makes you more prone to snoring, so adjusting your sleeping position onto your side or on your tummy may stop the snoring.

* Smokers are more likely to snore because the chemicals in cigarettes and cigars irritate the tissue in the throat that then hampers the airflow through the throat and causes breathing difficulty, thus resulting in snoring. So for a better night's sleep and also for better health, it is a good idea to stop smoking.

* Alcohol can also cause snoring because when you drink, your body becomes more relaxed, including the muscles of the throat. Cutting out alcohol or drinking less especially in the evenings should help alleviate the snoring.

* Eating right before your bedtime can result in the food just sitting in your stomach not fully digested, and that can also add pressure to your diaphragm resulting in snoring. It helps to adjust your meal to an earlier time so that your stomach has enough time to digest the food, allowing you to have a better quality sleep without any snoring.

* Milk may cause a build up of mucous in the body, which may become lodged in the throat and nasal passages. Mucous causes a narrowing of the passage that makes breathing more difficult, thus the snoring. To stop snoring, try cutting out or drinking less milk.

* Certain research suggests that honey helps in clearing the airways in the body and can therefore help stop snoring. Try having a cup of warm tea with honey or apple dipped in honey to remedy your snoring problem.

So if you suffer from snoring, it may be worthwhile to carefully study your habits and diet to identify what is causing the snoring problem. Simply making changes in your lifestyle or diet can help stop your snoring completely and that could mean a long and peaceful sleep for you and everyone involved.

If you want to Stop Snoring visit Stop Snoring. Susan also enjoys writing on a wide range of topics at Health and Recreation

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Link Between Weight And Snoring

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There are many reasons that people snore, and obesity is one of the biggest causes. Being overweight can bring on many serious health issues. While snoring isn't necessarily one of them (unless it is being caused by sleep apnea) it certainly is annoying to the snorer and everyone who sleeps around him or her. As if you needed another reason to lose weight, but if you want to cure your snoring this may just be the trick.

To understand how weight affects snoring we must understand how snoring occurs. Snoring occurs when pressure is placed on the soft palate and the airway is partially obstructed by it. Excess weight, especially that around your face and neck can cause or add to the pressure. Working towards a healthy weight via exercise can help to alleviate snoring.

Being overweight is not only frustrating and upsetting for the individual, but it can be extremely dangerous as well. Obesity has been linked to many health concerns such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. While snoring may seem quite minor compared to these serious health risks it often prevents one from getting a good night's rest. For many people losing weight requires a complete lifestyle change, something that is not done easily.

Losing weight healthily and permanently means changing not only your activity levels but your eating habits as well. Losing weight without one of these factors is destined to fail. Unfortunately there are no easy answers when it comes to losing weight. The good news is that by eating a balanced healthy diet within your calorie range for your body type and exercising you will lose weight.

Exercise should be a combination of cardio and weights. Before beginning any regimen you should discuss it with your doctor to ensure you start off safe. Building muscle mass can aid in speeding up your metabolism which has two benefits. Not only does it help speed up weight loss, but it assists with waste elimination as well. This means the body is able to rid itself of toxins quickly and efficiently, rather than storing them in fat cells. This can means less congestion and inflammation of mucus membranes, which in turn can help reduce snoring.

There are numerous benefits to losing weight, snoring is just one of them. You will feel better about yourself, have more energy, and quite often you will find you enjoy your new eating and exercise habits.

Thomas Wilson writes about how to stop snoring and other related topics for the Snoring Related website. Get more helpful information about snoring at

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Discover The Link Between Snoring And Smoking

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Most people understand all the potential health hazards associated with smoking. But aside from the commonly known things like cancer, it can also contribute to a snoring problem.

Smokers have a high likelihood of being snorers as well. Smoking causes swelling in the tissue of the nose and throat, as well as damaging the lungs. Nicotine can also cause disruptions in sleep that can contribute to snoring.

A group of European researchers studied snoring in a group of smokers between 25 and 55 years old. They studied 15,000 people from five different countries to see if they could find a link between smoking and snoring.

Out of the study group, 24% of the people who currently smoked and 20% of the people who smoked in the past suffered from snoring problems. This was compared to 14% of the people who did not smoke. They found that the more a person smoked, the louder their snoring.

Second-hand smoke also created a higher likelihood of snoring. 20% of the people who lived with someone who smoked also snored.

Another interesting fact they uncovered was that more men smoked but the female smokers had a higher chance of snoring.

So just what is it about smoking that leads to snoring problems? They didn't come up with a definitive answer to that question, but one of the theories is that the irritation to the airways caused by smoking leads to problem breathing, which in turn leads to snoring.

Another theory is that the body goes through nicotine withdrawal while asleep, which disturbs the sleeping pattern. This disturbance contributes to the snoring.

So you can add one more reason for quitting smoking. Not only does it damage your health and your body, it can lead to snoring problems which can ultimately lead to drowsiness, irritability and stress (in both you and your family).

John Lenaghan writes about how to stop snoring and other snoring-related topics for the Snoring Solutions website. For more information visit

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snoring ? Causes And Treatments

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Snoring is an involuntary act of producing sound while sleeping, which can even disturb the domestic harmony. Snoring is a common phenomenon that is experienced by more than 50 % of adult and in addition to the serious disturbance for the bed mate, snoring can also cause serious medical complications such as sleep apnea, which result obstruction to breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea enhances the risk of life threatening disorders such as hypertension, stroke and cardiac arrest in adults, whereas in children, it may lead to attention deficit disorder.

Snoring is actually the sound resulted by the vibration of the soft palate and uvula, while the breathing through mouth. Depending on the specialties of the mouth anatomy, the flapping sound may differ, and as a result snoring sound ranges from feeble soft sounds to deep unpleasant roaring sound. Mouth breathing, instead of nasal breathing, due to any nasal obstruction, is the primary reason for snoring. The blockages in mouth such as thick palate, throat tissue, tongue falling to mouth, mis-positioned jaw, and allergies can result snoring. The lifestyle disorders such as alcohol addition and obesity also increases the chances for snoring. The structural significances such as deformities, long palate and uvula, large tonsils and adenoids, enhance the sound of snoring.

Snoring can be considerably decreased by practicing certain self help treatments. Primarily, try to sleep on your side rather than on your back, since sleeping on your back induces mouth breathing. Use a pillow to raise the head and keep a pillow on your side, to remain the sleeping position on side. Avoid alcohol and other sleep disturbing addictions to impart a good sleep. Practice ideal sleep hygiene habits for a comfortable sleep. It is very interesting that around 300 different snoring controlling devices are patented although most of the oral and mandible devices are focused to induce nasal breathing and to thereby control snoring.

In cases of serious snoring problem, the consultation of a physician must not be delayed, as it leads to life threatening issues. The otolaryngologist will undertake a detailed check up of all the participating organs in the process such as nose, mouth, throat, palate, neck and ear, to find out the exact underling cause for snoring. The treatment will be finalized according to the reason found in the diagnosis. Surgery is recommended in case of structural deformities and obstructions in air passages. The new treatment strategies to control snoring include Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Genioglossus Tongue Advancement Surgery, Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty and its latest advancements such as Laser Assisted Uvula Palatoplasty. Continuous positive airway pressure is another effective method, which is a mask that regulates the free passage of air, without snoring.

Snoring, a social and medical nuisance, can be reduced by adopting ideal sleeping practices and if necessary, through medical assistance.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health for more articles.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Non Surgical Treatments For Snoring Problems

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If you snore, surgery should be a last resort when searching for a cure. There are many treatment options for snoring, but it can sometimes be difficult determining which ones work the best for your particular situation. If you have a willing partner, you should ask them to try and notice any change in your snoring. If you live alone you can tape a portion of your sleep each evening to try and determine if the treatment is having any success.

Your doctor may prescribe you drugs to deal with your snoring. There are three different categories for medications working to reduce and/or eliminate snoring. One type is designed to stimulate respiration, the second works to keep airways open, and finally the third works to prevent REM sleep. Taking the last type of drug is perhaps not a good idea for all snorers since REM sleep is important to our health and wellbeing.

Decongestant inhalers can help to reduce excess mucus in your nasal airways. Most of these are available over the counter and can be a real help for some snorers. When looking for sprays consider starting with a saline spray since even this can help to reduce vibrations.

If you don?t want to take any sort of medication for your snoring there are other options. One such potential solution is a pillow that forces you to sleep on your side. Most people only snore when they are lying on their backs, and so this can help to reduce snoring. If the pillow isn?t your thing you can purchase a snore ball which is placed into a pocket in the back of your night shirt, thus preventing you from lying on your back.

If you want to sleep on your back but would prefer to avoid any device that forces you, you may want to consider a sleep position monitor. The monitor works by giving out a beep when you turn onto your back. This may sound annoying but eventually you should be able to remove the monitor once you are used to always sleeping on your side.

Nasal strips are another non surgical option. When used over the top of the nose they can help to widen airways and reduce obstructions which can result in snoring. Another option is the nasal dilator which inserts into your nose and also helps to keep nasal passages open.

Other than these non surgical solutions which work to treat the symptoms, you should try and determine what the cause is. For instance, if you have an intolerance or allergy to milk, it can inflame mucus membranes and increase mucus production, thus increasing your chance for snoring.

You may also want to look at your weight. Many obese people snore due to increased pressure around the neck. Losing weight has many benefits; eliminating snoring is just one if them. If you drink frequently before bed you should also consider cutting it out since it can have an effect on snoring.

Thomas Wilson writes about snoring problems and other related topics for the Snoring Related website. Get more helpful information about snoring at

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Using Pillar Implants To Avoid Snoring

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Snoring may not seem to be a nuisance to someone who actually snores, but to everyone else, it?s completely disturbing and can be the cause of sleepless nights. Snoring is more evident in men and in adults. Snoring is something that should never be overlooked for it can lead to a more serious problem which is sleep apnea.

If you are a heavy snorer, then you need to seek medical medication as soon as possible. Good sleeping habits and eating a balance diet could improve things but if and when you realize that no sleeping tips can send you to bed without the irritating z?s, then it is time to head to your doctor.

Pillar implants are getting more popular nowadays. You can discuss with your doctor if implants are suitable for you. Pillar implants are also considered as palatal restoration but patients do not need to undergo a surgical operation. What the implants do is to stiffen the snorer?s palette tissue which when moved causes vibration. This vibration is what we know of as snoring.

Doctors would place three inserts in your mouth and the procedure would take no longer than an hour. After a few hours, you can be allowed to eat solids but you must stay clear of hard foods for a certain time. Pillar implants are known to be without serious side effects as they use non-toxic materials and safe to use regularly.

The effect of pillar implants can last a long time. It can prevent chronic snoring permanently. You can also ask for the implants to be removed in case you become uncomfortable or if you feel you no longer need one. If you need implant extrusion or need to check on the placement of your pillar implants, you should visit your doctor immediately.

Pillar implants are the next best thing to surgical treatment. You don?t need to visit your doctor as often to complete several sessions. Besides, it?s a cheaper way to prevent snoring. Pillar implants are definitely one of the most practical and effective ways to a soothing and quiet sleep.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health for more articles.

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Treating Snoring With Surgery

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The bedroom should be a place that allows you to have a long and restful sleep but if you are with someone who heavily snores, then you can kiss your sweet dreams goodbye. Snoring has become a serious problem to a lot of people. Over the years several techniques and products have been developed to eliminate or at least minimize snoring. One single treatment that?s known for it effectiveness is to go under medical surgery.

There are a number of options for a surgical procedure to eliminate snoring. The main objective of surgeries is to widen the air path in the area where the throat and the mouth meet. Excess tissues, which are the cause of the vibrating z sounds, are removed or reduced. In some instances, the nasal and jaw areas are being surgically altered to prevent snoring.

UPPP or Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is one type of surgical procedure that eradicates excessive tissue in the back area of the mouth. This may include reducing soft tissues in the uvula, soft pallet and the tonsils. It is usually offered in most hospitals, as this is the most common surgical treatment for snoring.

Although UPPP is an effective solution to your snoring problems, it also poses some health risks and complications. It may cause occasional bleeding in the mouth area, scarring and throat pain. In some instances, it has been reported to transform one?s speech, as though the voice is coming from your nose. Some patients who tried the procedure sometimes complain of an uncomfortable feeling in their throat area. Drinking liquids can also be a mess sometimes, as water tends to go into your nose when you swallow.

There are still other surgical procedures other than UPPP. If you have a milder case of sleep apnea, you can try LUAP or Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty. In this procedure, doctors utilize either electric current or laser to get rid of the soft palate and the uvula. You may have to undergo several sessions for this particular procedure.

You can always follow sound advice from experts on how to prevent snoring. These may include proper sleeping habits and proper diet. You can also opt to use pillar implants or other sleeping aides that are available in the market. If you really want a guaranteed solution to your problem and if you have the money for it, then a surgical treatment is your best option.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health for more articles.

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