Stop Snoring Instantly

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snoring Treatment Options

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Snoring Treatment may be in the form of a surgical procedure or non-surgical one.

Surgical snoring treatment procedures include:

Uvulopalathopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

This snoring treatment removes excess throat tissues as parts of the soft palate, tonsils, etc. This will allow more air to pass through without obstruction

Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP)

This procedure uses laser to remove part of the palate. Also subjected to the same procedure is the uvula.

Radio frequency ablation

Another surgical snoring treatment, this uses a needle electrode to shrink the uvula or soft palate.

Palatal Stiffening

This snoring surgical treatment utilizes laser technology to produce a scar tissue to eliminate the vibrations, which causes the snore.

Non-surgical snoring treatment includes:

Nasal Strips

This opens the nasal passages enabling a person to breathe better.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

This snoring treatment, famous in the 1980s, makes use of a nasal mask, which provides consistent and continuous pressure to the throat.

Mechanical Devices

This snoring treatment repositions the nose and jaw to broaden the airways. Custom fitting is required for different patients. One can ask the help of a dentist or an orthodontist on the use of such devices.


Famous herbal remedies are the golden seal or Hydrastis Canadensis, and the golden rod or Solidago Virgauria. Inhaling steam of essential oils or peppermint can also help decongest the nasal airways.


With the use of marjoram oil, aromatherapy as a snoring treatment is helpful in clearing nasal passages.

A Change in Sleep position

Sleeping on the sides, than on the back, has been proven to lessen the snoring problem of an individual.

Raising the Head Portion of the Bed

Raising the head portion of the bed prevents snoring, as the tongue is prevented to go into the back of the throat.

Exercise Program

A healthy lifestyle, eating food good for the body, and a regular exercise program, will help to cure snoring brought about by excessive body weight. With a healthier lifestyle in mind, one must avoid alcohol especially right before sleep. Smoking which is bad for the health should be avoided.

Yoga, Tai-chi and Meditation

Practicing yoga, tai chi and meditation makes one more capable of handling stress. This is also a good way to exercise, which promotes good health and fitness.

There are many choices for snoring treatment. Depending on the degree of snoring, mild procedures may just do the job. Prevention, especially by having a healthier lifestyle change is recommended. This change of lifestyle can also be applied to supplement any other existing medication or snoring treatment that you are undergoing. In the end, your doctor can present you with all available options for your specific snoring condition; heeding your doctor?s advice is a good way to go.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snoring Problem?

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Do you snore? Does your partner give out that loud noise during breathing while in sleep? Do you hear your child, or your parents snoring?

Snoring is the noise one makes while breathing in their sleep. It is quite prevalent with males and more to obese people. This is also observable with older generations as well.

Snoring may arise when there is a nasal infection. This blocks your breathing pattern, but as soon as you have recovered, this usually goes away. Also when one is overweight, the throat muscles and tissues are not firm enough to resist vibration when breathing. Another factor is age ? since the older a person gets, the weaker the muscles in the throat become, which makes it sag and vibrate while breathing. Drinking beer or other alcoholic drinks, and some drugs which limits your control of your nervous system, contributes to snoring as well.

If snoring should already affect your sleep, and your breathing pattern, such that you will have difficulty in having a good continuous breathing cycle, then one should consult his doctor for medical treatment.

For self-help purposes, one can address this concern by starting to have a good balanced diet. Best foods to eat are always the natural fruits and vegetables which have essential nutrients, for the body to function properly. Consume adequate protein and some amount of essential fatty acids. Having a balanced diet will be important to having a functional immune system. This will slow down your natural aging pattern.

Be committed to an exercise program. A 20-minute exercise per session would suffice, done 3 to 4 times a week. One can start off slowly by just walking - what is important is you know what you have to do, and little by little you work on towards your goal. Cross training allows for variety in your exercise program and would keep you from becoming bored on your exercise routine. A sensible and consistent exercise program can also inhibit the natural aging process.

It is also advised not to drink alcoholic beverages that much. If you should drink, do so with moderation, and preferably not right before bedtime. Heavy meals or snacks should also be avoided right before going to sleep.

One should also see to it that he consistently sleeps at a particular time. And having sufficient sleep will prove to be important in your drive towards a healthier lifestyle. It has also been known that sleeping on your sides help. Tilting the upper portion of the bed, so that your head is elevated will also make you breathe easier.

While the doctors can provide professional help for your snoring problems, it also wise to do your part by dedicating yourself to a much healthier and more active lifestyle. This will help, more than you know.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Exercise to Stop Snoring

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If you are fat, most likely you are to snore during your sleep. It has been shown that if you have weight issues, your airways are most likely to collapse due to the pressure those extra fat tissues around your neck will put upon it. Snoring becomes a social problem for one, as this becomes a joke to friends and family members, and this affects those sleeping beside you, or near you. Just how do you stop snoring?

If you snore, and if you are fat, you are most likely to remedy this with getting your body weight down to your ideal one. This is best done with having an exercise program together with your diet plan. With exercise you will be on your way to stop snoring and better sleep.

1st step: Be committed to your exercise program.

This is important as most people eventually falls out of their exercise routine, when boredom comes in the way. One must have the will to continue on until you get the results you want. Remember, you want to stop snoring to improve your social life.

2nd step: Begin with your goal in mind.

Perhaps the best way to motivate oneself is to keep your goal in mind. Know what you want, picture in on your mind, and know what it will feel like when you finally reach your goal. Think of exercise as fun, think of becoming fit because of exercise and think of exercise as your way to stop snoring.

3rd step: Have a good plan of your exercise program.

Before you start, have a plan on how to go about your exercise regimen. Plan how to start off, and of course, it is best to start slowly. Always warm up before exercise and cool down afterwards. Plan your exercise schedule considering your work and tasks to do at home. Exercise frequency of 3 to 4 times a week, at 20 minutes per session is good enough. It is best to incorporate cross training to add variety to it and to prevent you from becoming bored of the usual routine exercises.

4th step: Keep at it.

Don?t expect results with just some days or weeks of exercise. Remember that you did not put on those pounds overnight, in the same manner, you can?t get those off with just a few days of exercise. Be patient, and continue to do it. In no time, you will get the results you want ? a good lean body, and a good night?s sleep.

5th step: Measure your success.

Keep a record of how well you showed up to every schedule of your exercise sessions. Showing up to the gym, or exercising at home as per schedule is already a success in itself. If you should miss on a schedule, don?t worry; just be there on the next schedule. Never stray away from your main objective, and if you fall, get back again to the right track. Remember your goal, to be fit and stop snoring ? all for a better perception of yourself and in interacting socially with people around.

With the exercise program you have committed to do regularly, you are very well on your way to a healthier body. You?ll be fit and your body will become lean. With no excess fatty tissues around, you?ll definitely be able to stop snoring, live a good social life, and sleep better at night ? knowing it will be a quiet night when you and your love ones rest.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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