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Friday, November 7, 2008

Surgery for Snoring 101

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People usually make do first with non-surgical ways to stop their snoring problem. However if these do not work and all means have been exhausted, the alternative usually is surgery. Surgery for snoring has been a treatment for some time now, intended specifically for worst cases of snoring, and on treatment of snoring cases which can only be addressed with surgical ways.

There are basically for types of surgery for snoring. These are: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP, Laser-assisted Uvuloplatoplasty or LAUP, Palatal Stiffening Operations or CAPSO, and the Radio-frequency Ablation or Somnoplasty.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP

This surgery for snoring involves the removal of the uvula and at some cases the tonsils. When removing partially the soft palate, this procedure is also used. This surgical procedure is conducted with the patient given a general anesthetic. Patients who underwent such procedure often experienced severe post-surgical pains. Complications are also observed such as palatal dryness, change in voice, and at times, a partial loss of taste. This is specifically useful for patients whose obstruction is attributed to the sidewalls.

Laser-assisted Uvuloplatoplasty or LAUP

This surgery for snoring is deemed to be safer & less costly than UPPP. This surgical procedure can be repeated to get the required result. It uses laser to vaporize the excess edges of the soft palate and uvula, and performed with either a local or general anesthetic. With this process, the patient still experiences the pains after surgery ? much like UPPP. Since this requires more than one session, the patient is more likely to experience these post-operative pains again and again, until the last session. This has been known to have fewer complications though than UPPP.

Palatal Stiffening Operations or CAPSO

This is a surgery for snoring is less invasive and generally develops lesser complications after operation. Referred to as electrical cautery, it burns the soft palate, which causes it to stiffen. Often performed with local anesthetic, this requires a one-time visit at the hospital as an outpatient. Pain after surgery is found to be similar as well with the above-mentioned procedures.

Radio-frequency Ablation or Somnoplasty.

This procedure shrinks the patient?s soft palate tissue. It is also a less invasive procedure and the controlled lesions it produces have minimal effect on the surrounding tissues. It involves heating the inner tissue, which produces tissue scars beneath the palate?s skin. Lasting for around 20 minutes, this can be done with, as an outpatient. Several sessions are required though, but are less painful as compared to the other surgical procedures.

Before such surgical procedures are done, some surgeons would do Sleep Nasendoscopy to check the patient?s upper airway to determine the degree of obstruction. Sleep Nasendoscopy though is not that widely available and would prove to be costly as well.

Keep in mind that surgery for snoring is a procedure done to address snoring caused by the soft palate. It is conducted to remove excess portions of the soft palate, uvula and the tonsil.

Listen to your doctor?s advice regarding such surgical procedures, and ask which fits your case best ? or if it should ever be done at all. Also, having a surgeon who is experienced in doing such procedures will give you the peace of mind, and the confidence in the success of the surgery.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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