Stop Snoring Instantly

Friday, March 21, 2008

3 Tips - How Do I Stop My Husband From Snoring

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Snoring is a sign of human disease called sleep apnea. Severe sleep apnea is potentially fatal if left untreated. In severe cases, the sleeper may stop breathing for a minute or even longer which cause the heart attack. To stop your husband from snoring(in some cases, your wife), you husband will become more healthy and you will released from the troubles. Here are 3 tips helping you to stop your husband from snoring.

1. Use lower pillow. Unlike the traditional wisdom, sleeping on too many pillows may stretch and narrow the nasal passage. This will cause serious medical disorder - sleep apnea. However some people feel better using higher pillows. I recommend inserting some books under your husband's pillow in this case.

2. Sew a small object into your husband's pajama top near the small of his back, for example a tennis ball. This will keep your husband sleeping from his back. Usually men will stop snoring if they sleep on their sides because when sleeping on your back, the lower jaw tends to drop open which will make breathing more difficult.

3. Do not drink alcohol before coming to bed. Do not drink milk or dairy products. Increase humidity to your bedroom. Let your husband taking honey several times a week. And if all tricks fails, try to fall asleep before husband and use earplugs.

Do you know that professional singers never have the snoring problem? Click the lick below to see why and how to use the exercise singers do to stop snoring.

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