Easy Ways To Stop Snoring
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There are large numbers of people looking for ways to stop snoring. It's no surprise, because there can be a snorer in nearly half of all households, and when you add to that all the spouses and partners disturbed by snoring, that's a lot of people looking for ways to stop it!
Snoring is caused by reduced airways, and it's the vibrations as the air stuggles to get through that causes the snore. The reduced airway can be in the throat or nasal passage. I'll come to the nasal passage later, but I want to concentrate on the throat.
So, let's crack on with some of the causes of this blocked throat, and find out ways to stop them!
Sleeping on your back is often the cause of snoring, as the throat and tonuge muscle ease back towards the throat. There are specially shaped pillows you can buy to help with this, but why spend money when you can try free ways! Either use rolled up towels under one side of your head, or put a golf ball/walnut in a sock and pin it to the back of your nightwear. It's an ancient idea, but it does work!
You can also increase strength in your throat and tongue with exercises. If they are stronger, they are less likely to slip backwards.
Sometimes those muscles can be over relaxed, often aided by alcohol, so if you snore, try easing off the late night drink, and see if that makes a difference.
It may come as a surprise, but drinking milk can also be a cause, as it leaves a layer of mucus, so again try to leave the late night milk drinking!
Sometimes it isn't the muscles that narrow the throat, but the sheer weight of the throat itself! It doesn't take too much extra weight around the neck to cause this to happen, so likewise it doesn't take that much weight loss to correct it either!
Now we know that we want as clear an airway as possible, sometimes putting your head over a steambowl an work wonders, and make sure also that your sleeping environment is as clean and dust free as possible.
That covers the throat. If the problem stems from the nasal passageway, you can get little strips which help to open them up, or you may simply be cursed with a narrow nose. Thsi may require surgery to cure, and it should also be noted that although snoring is no laughing matter, it can be serious, as snoring can lead to periods of not breathing altogether.
However, before getting alarmed and rushing to the doctor, try some/all of the methods above and you may just have found your ways to stop snoring!
Read more about ways to stop snoring and see Gordon Bryan back a cure with his own money at: http://www.gordonbryan.com/ways_to_stop_snoring
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