Stop Snoring Instantly

Friday, March 28, 2008

Are There Really Any Effective Tips To Help Me Stop Snoring?

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Snoring


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My wife complains that I snore.

I didn?t believe her until she tape-recorded my snoring, and I must admit, it was not a pretty sound. Most people associate snoring with deep sleep, unaware that it is a kind of dysfunction mainly cause by blocked nasal airways.

Statistics reveal that four out of every ten men and three out of every ten women suffer from this form of disorder. The root cause of snoring in most people is the soft palate, which vibrates as a person breathes. When a person sleeps, the muscles in the nose and throat become flaccid, which restricts the airflow in the nasal passage.

This causes the airways to vibrate and produce the typical snoring sound. All of which I discovered when I began seeking tips to help me stop snoring. I also discovered that for the tips to help me stop snoring to work, I needed to make some lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Changes

The cause of snoring in many people can be traced to their lifestyle, which may include heavy drinking, smoking, taking sleeping tablets, lack of physical exercise and improper sleeping posture.

The tips to help me stop snoring offered by medical experts required me to make the necessary lifestyle changes to put an end to this nagging habit, which disturbed and bothered my wife so much, disrupting her need for rest and sleep.

Accordingly, among the lifestyle changes I had to make was reducing my alcohol intake before sleeping, quitting my chronic smoking habit, taking up some form of physical exercise on a regular basis, and following a fixed routine of sleeping and waking up.

Anyone who makes such lifestyle changes is most likely to witness an improvement in a short time, I was assured.

Sleep posture correction

The tips to help me stop snoring also advised me to sleep in such a posture that did not restrict my nasal passage, enabling the easy flow of air through it.

Sleep posture correction is necessary because medical experts believe that it is the main cause of snoring in most people. By making a few adjustments to the sleeping posture, people can reduce or even get rid of their snoring problem.

Medical research conducted on sleeping people indicates that sleeping on one?s side reduces the amount of noise, whereas sleeping on one?s back increases the sound and frequency of snoring.

Sleep posture correction may also include the use of scientifically designed pillows and mattresses. I realized that selecting the right sleeping posture was probably the cheapest method of curing my snoring.

Other options to quit snoring

During my research on tips to help me stop snoring I also learnt that people who snore could try many other options to quit snoring, such as homeopathic remedies that are available in health food stores and the Internet.

However, it was also advised that people consult a registered medical practitioner before opting for such products. People who want instant relief can use nasal sprays that form a layer of lubricating oil within the airways, allowing the air to move freely.

This may not eliminate the root cause, but will certainly help in reducing the snoring. Other options to quit snoring also include surgical interventions like somnoplasty and coblation, which are procedures that involve piercing the ?soft palate? with a needle connected to a radio frequency machine.

There are also standard surgical procedures such as uvulopalatoplasty, which removes the unnecessary tissues of the soft palate.

I felt positive I could beat my snoring problem by choosing any of the wide selection of techniques available to me. Quitting snoring was necessary for me not only because it disturbed my wife, but also that it could lead to high blood pressure, or give me a heart attack or a stroke.

If you are looking for more tips to help stop snoring or maybe you need to stop snoring lose weight and end obesity , click over to Mike Herman's site at

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