Stop Irritating Your Partner - Learn How To Prevent Snoring
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There is no argument that snoring can be irritating to not only your spouse or bed partner, but also your whold house. This is why there are so many ideas and products being thought of to try to find a remedy on how to prevent snoring.
Before you can learn how to prevent snoring you need to know what causes you to snore. The culprit causing you to snore isnt the same for everyone.
The Key To Learning How To Prevent Snoring
Anyone who has had success in learning how to prevent snoring will agree the key lies behind the diagnosis. Here are some common and rare snoring causes:
Being Overweight
The way you sleep
What you are sleeping on
Broken nose
Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
Nasal Congestion
Chronic sleep Apnea
Alcohol or medication
If you believe that one or a couple of these problems may be causing you to snore, see a doctor. If you believe you know what is causing you to snore, there are some remedies that may help you learn how to prevent snoring.
For many the position you lay in could cause you to snore more. When you are busy sawing logs have you ever been nudged, or jolted awake, by your partner in the hopes that you'll turn over and stop snoring? Sometimes this will work. Sleeping on your back seems to encourage snoring. The best position to lie for less snoring is on your side. Even the size or feel of a pillow can be to blame for snoring. Laying flat is not normally recommended for those who snore.
If you're overweight, you might want to try dieting. Losing some extra weight can tremendously help your breathing and therefore your snoring. This can be a challenge but I believe if you eat early, not at night and add exercise to your daily routine that this is achievable for anyone.
If your snoring is due to an accident causing injury to your nose, the home remedies wont work. Sometimes surgery may be necessary to correct these problems. Simple nasal congestion can cause snoring but it is usually temporary.
For kids, you should look into tonsils and adenoids. An ear, nose and throat specialist can get a closer look at what their snoring cause is. Stuffy noses will cause breathing to occur through the mouth. Mouth breathing is almost sure to result in snoring.
Of course you may not have anything causing you to snore other than taking medication or drinking alcohol. Sleeping pills or another aid used to treat a condition might be relaxing your tongue and soft palate too much.
Dont just put a pillow over your face and try to sleep, see doctor if you can't stop snoring.
If you are looking for more home remedies for snoring and tips to help stop snoring click over to Mike Herman's site at
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