Stop Snoring Instantly

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting Used to the Bulk - Anti Snoring Appliance

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Do you know of someone who's cured his snoring? It's a reality. Forty-five percent of the world's population snore and recent studies have associated snoring with high blood pressure, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. Snoring in pregnant woman has also been known to adversely affect the growth of the unborn child. Little children who snore likeswise are noted to have lower learning abilities and poor mental health.

So snoring is this destructive? It actually depends. Snoring can be classified as mild snoring to habitual snoring. However, habitual snoring may already be a symptom of a dreaded condition called sleep apnea. In this condition, a person actually stops breathing for about 10 seconds and some as long as 30 seconds occurring several times a night. Person with the sleep apnea disorder tend to be less productive during the day and irritable. Snoring today is not only a physical problem, it's anti-social as well. The best thing to do before anything could get worse is to: cure snoring at once.

If the homeopathic tips did not prove useful for you, it might be time to try some anti snoring appliance. There are many available products of anti snoring appliance. Let's tackle some just for the point of discussion and not as to recommend.

Basically, the narrowing of the airway due to the relaxation of the neck muscles when a person sleeps at night causes snoring. The soft tissues that flap when air passes through creating the vibratory sound called snoring. An anti snoring appliance generally has a dental overlay portion and a guide ramp portion that fits on the lower jaw and guides it to move forward to prevent snoring.

Makers of the "Negus" anti snoring appliance claim this product has been well researched. This anti snoring appliance is worn in the mouth of a snorer at night to eliminate or lessen snoring. The "Negus" pushes the tongue forward away from the back of the throat so that the airway is made larger.

Another anti snoring appliance is the "Silensor". This device still uses the same principle of pushing the lower jaw forward to provide a bigger opening of the pharyngeal space. This anti snoring appliance consists of an upper and lower forming worn over the respective tooth arches. The two lateral rotating connectors connecting the formings gently pull the lower jaw forward increasing the opening during sleep.

Same principle is used by the manufacturer of the anti snoring appliance called "Noiselezz". This anti snoring appliance is still made of two components that are fit to the upper and lower jaw. The Noiselezz keeps the airway unblocked by slightly pulling the mandible (lower jaw) forward to create enough space.

Snoring could be more than just a nuisance to the person sleeping beside the snorer. It could complicate to more serious health problems. Prior to wearing any other anti snoring appliance, you'd be better off paying a visit to your physician first.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little Noisy Breathers - Baby Snoring

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If you're a parent of a noisy newborn, it's really nothing that should cause any alarm. Like most parts of their bodies, which are still immature, babies are noisy breathers in general because their nasal passages are still narrow and usual are filled with bubbly secretions. When air passes through these puddles of secretions, a vibratory sound is produced ? making us think our baby is "snoring". Baby snoring is basically just a sound produced by the soft tissues as air passes in. As the baby grows older, as well as his nasal passages, and as he learns to swallow excess saliva these vibratory sounds or baby snoring should subside.

Some ways to get home relief for these little snores is to clear the baby's air passages. If you think the baby's nose seems partly obstructed, spurt a few drops (be careful not to drown your baby) of saltwater in you baby's nose. Some drugstores recommend saline nose sprays but you can make your home-made version by diluting ? teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of clean or pre-boiled water. Use a nasal aspirator (available in drugstores and baby's sections) to gently suck out the secretions out of your baby's nose.

Another home remedy for baby snoring is to clean nasal passages using steam. Do this in the evening, before bedtime usually occurs during this time. Give your baby a warm shower (or you can stand with you baby) to loosen excess secretions. Another thing to avoid baby snoring is to clear your baby's room of allergens like dust collectors or animal dander. These allergens cause the excess production of mucus as the body's natural defenses to clean the air entering the body.

In instances, though, when baby snoring still persists, as your baby grows older, it's best to pay a visit to your pediatrician. Some infant snoring is caused by an abnormal structure in his nasal passages. Enlarged tonsils are also cause of snoring in older children but rarely does this happen to infants. Enlarged tonsils may be corrected by a simple outpatient operation. Pediatricians may also check for cysts or if there are no abnormal movements in your baby's palate.

One more cause for baby snoring is laryngomalacia. Laryngomalacia is a condition in which your baby's cartilage, that opens as air passes in, has not fully matured yet but this should subside by the sixth month.

Baby's weight may also contribute to baby snoring. Frequent baby snoring may already be a sign of sleep apnea. If your baby has this condition, his breathing may stop for about 10 seconds (due to the obstruction in the nasal passages). Baby's and toddlers experiencing sleep apnea tend to be sleepy and tired during the day.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treaments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Does my Toddler Snore? Snoring in Toddlers

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It might be typical for little babies to snore because secretions in their throat often clog their tiny, immature air passages causing the vibratory sound. As babies grow older and as their air passages matures and widens, however, this vibratory sound should subside by the sixth month. Snoring in toddlers on the other hand may be normal when your toddler has bouts of colds, flu, or allergy. This is occasional snoring. If the snoring in toddlers becomes more frequent during their sleep, it could be a symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder caused by enlarged adenoids (the glands in the throat on the roof of the palate) blocking the air passage and affects 500,000 children in the United States annually. This gives difficulty for your toddler in breathing during their sleep at night. Sleep apnea is characterized as a pause in breathing for about 10 seconds during sleep. Some toddlers in this condition tend to awaken several times in the middle of the night. Sleep apnea results in daytime lack of energy in toddlers when they're supposed to be active, crankiness and irritability, and lead to behavior problems.

Long-term effects of inadequate sleep in toddlers are poor memory retention and poor mental health leading to learning problems when they enter pre-school. Experts advice that the period between 3 to 6 years old is the peak when snoring becomes harmful to a child's development. It is also at this stage when treating snoring makes a huge difference in their behavior and learning.

Once you hear snoring in toddlers and suspect that he/she has sleep apnea, a visit to the doctor must be heeded. Doctors would generally evaluate the size of the adenoids and other peculiarities in the throat. An outpatient operation might be required (such as removing the enlarged tonsils) to correct this and lessen the occurrence of snoring in toddlers and sleep apnea.

Home remedy for snoring in toddlers (including sleep apnea) is shifting them to another sleeping position. Studies concluded that snoring toddlers could breathe better when they're made to lie on their side or stomach. Special pillows (available in the market) may also alleviate the condition of snoring in toddlers and sleep apnea.

In general, any child who snores is not getting enough sleep and sleep is essential for optimum physical, mental and emotional growth especially during the development stage. Your primary reaction once you hear snoring in toddlers should be never to neglect it. It could just be mild snoring (which can easily be corrected) or it could already be sleep apnea. So seek medical advice today.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treaments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Risks of Snoring During Pregnancy

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Are you pregnant and have been snoring lately? You could already be suffering from sleep apnea.

Pregnancy takes a woman to scores of emotional and physical changes, which is primarily caused by hormonal changes ? with estrogen being the dominant hormone during pregnancy. Increase in estrogen reportedly makes the neck muscles to relax and compounded with the accumulated fats around the neck area cause snoring. Snoring during pregnancy usually occurs in the last four weeks of gestation (this accounts to 30% of pregnant women). This is normal and a preferred sleeping position like sleeping on the sides usually alters this. Most pregnant women feel more relaxed when sleeping on their sides to avoid the weight of their bellies especially during the third trimester.

For excessive or chronic snoring, it may be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized by a pause in breathing for about 10 seconds resulting to oxygen-deprivation and further complicates to preemclampsia. Preeclampsia is a condition that only happens during pregnancy and is associated with high blood pressure, proteinuria (protein present in urine), and swelling. Patients with preemclampsia may have any or all of the following symptoms: sleepiness during daytime, headaches, blurred vision, abnormalities in liver function and vomiting. If only one of these symptoms occur, it is not a sign of preeclampsia.

Consequently, a study found out that snoring during pregnancy is more common in women who have put on more of the ideal weight. 14% of the women who snored had pregnancy-induced hypertension. 52% of the pregnant women who habitually snored experienced edema (swelling) of the face, hands, legs, and feet compared to 30% who didn't snore.

Meanwhile, oxygen deprivation in patients with sleep apnea has been correlated with growth retardation of the fetus and sometimes, death. If excessive snoring during pregnancy occurs, a physician's advice needs to be sought because the condition could be devastating to the mother and unborn child. Infants born to mothers who were snoring during pregnancy frequently had lower birth weight and Apgar scores (a test taken immediately after a baby is born regarding heart rate, breathing, reflex, muscle tone, and skin color). From this study, although the causes of preemclampsia are unknown, there seems to be a correlation between snoring, preeclampsia, and to babies with lower birth weights.

An expectant woman's condition is crucial to the development of the unborn child in same manner that a pregnant woman also needs to take care of her well-being. Snoring during pregnancy is a sign of or could lead to poor physical health which could be harmful to the mother and baby. It is important that a pregnant woman undergoes regular pre-natal checkups and reports any physical complaints to a physician.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treaments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Causes And Cures For Snoring

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Snoring is present in almost half of the adult population of the world. With this, chances are, your favorite Hollywood star may not look (and sound) so good while sleeping. But if you?re a snorer yourself, that isn?t much to turn you off.

What causes the gurgling sounds during sleep? Snores sound like someone is choking you in your dreams, but don?t push your luck. Unless you get strangled in your sleep every night, the sounds you make do not have anything to do with your dreams. A lot of people who are suffering from this problem have no idea as to the causes and cures for snoring.

Individuals who have nasal congestions are more prone to become snorers. Those with enlarged tonsils, long palate and uvula, and loose tongue and throat muscles are also very likely to become habitual snorers. Men, especially those with weight problems, are also more vulnerable to have the snoring condition than women.

Snoring is not a joke. It may be used very often as a punch line, but it is not something we can all take lightly. Snoring can actually be life-threatening. Other health hazards such as hypertension and cardiac arrest are only some of the consequences of habitual snoring. Thus, learning about the causes and cures for snoring does not only allow people to achieve restful sleep, but also well-being.

If you think your partner?s snoring is getting better with each passing year, you may only have learned to live with it. Snoring worsens with age. And the more they are ignored, the more the snorer is at risk to diseases. To better understand and address this problem, it is advisable that you learn about the causes and cures for snoring. Mild snoring problems can be helped, even without resorting to medicines that are abundantly available in the market today.

Persons who engage in healthy lifestyles are less likely to have major snoring issues. Those who snore occasionally may be doing so because they are exposed to sedatives, antihistamines, and other sleep-inducing medications before their bedtime. Also, people suffering from colds or sinusitis will have instances of snoring. This can be prevented by natural remedies such as inhaling steam or treating stuffy noses with saline solutions.

The causes and cures for snoring are very much related to each other. People who eat heavy meals just before bedtime are most prone to snoring. Individuals who smoke, drink, and are often overly tired, will eventually have snoring problem. They can counteract it by eliminating all those habits. If not, you won?t only get strangled in your dreams, but in real life as well.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treaments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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