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Friday, February 27, 2009

Snoring In Children

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Is snoring hereditary? If both mom and dad snore, does that make you a snorer too? Children waking up from the noisy snoring of their parents are common in a lot of households. But how about if the parents are the one awakened by their children?s snoring?

Some people may find it cute to hear their children make sleep sounds. While some of them are drifting off to a deep slumber and are perfectly healthy, some may not be as lucky. Snoring in children, as with those in adults, can be a health issue as well.

Whether we like it or not, there are children who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. So how do we know if they?re healthy snorers or if they have sleep apnea? It is not difficult to assess snoring in children. Those suffering from sleep apnea may have interrupted sleep, may gasp and have short stops in breathing.

Snoring in children has been associated with other behavioral problems as well. Those who have sleep apnea are said to have shorter attention span and are the ones who encounter problems in school. Other symptoms would include: enlarged tonsils with nasal speech, overweight/obesity, and high blood pressure.

There are many reasons for snoring in children. One of the culprits is the seasonal allergies. Make sure you know what triggers your child?s allergies as these make their nose clogged up causing them to snore while sleeping.

A blocked airway or nasal passage often due to cold or sinusitis can also cause snoring in children. Deviatedseptum, or that tissue and the cartilage dividing the two nostrils, may be curved. If not fixed or straightened out, snoring in children with this condition will persist because this does not allow them to breathe as easily.

Enlarged tonsils as well as adenoids can also result to snoring in children. The adenoid is a gland that can be found near the insides of the nasal passage. Together with the tonsils, they catch bacteria, making them swollen for most of the time. Because of this, snoring in children occurs.

Obesity and too much weight cause the air passages to narrow. That is why snoring in children as well as in adults happen to those with weight problems. Snoring in children is a big health concern because it has been said to cause hyperactivity. Aside from the diseases that coexist with snoring, attention issues are linked with snoring in children.

So even if sometimes it is cute to see and hear our kids snore, this doesn?t always mean they are having a good night?s sleep. Before long, those sounds won?t be as cute as it was the first time we heard it.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treaments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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Friday, February 20, 2009

Infant Snoring: Blame It On The Parents

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If one might have not noticed, infants do snore. Did you witness your infant snoring? And you ask who are to blame? Look in the other rooms of the house. Then see who also snores in their sleep. Surely, you?ll find at least one who snores. Oh, it?s not your wife? And don?t even try to think that your infant got it from your household helper either. Oh yes, you?ve got it right ? it could only be you.

Studies show that infant snoring can be traced to their parents. With at least one parent who snores, the child will most probably grow a snorer as well. Especially so if your child is diagnosed with atopy, you have most likely in your possession, a baby who will follow the steps of a snoring parent. Atopy means having a hereditary inclination towards developing reactions as asthma, hay fever and other allergies.

It is worthwhile to note that snoring is caused by an obstruction to the nasal airways of the person. With a child diagnosed with atopy, the child?s nasal airways is most likely to be congested causing breathing problems especially while sleeping.

If you find your infant snoring, go to your family doctor for help. Your doctor can refer you to the right specialist for the job. Your child might have sleep apnea, and if the medical specialist requires it, your child?s tonsils or adenoids may have to be removed. These tonsils and adenoids work to combat bacteria, and would usually get enlarged in the process of doing so. Another would be perhaps your child is overweight for his size and age, and some revisions of his diet may be in order. This should be done with the advice and guidance of your child?s doctor.

One way to remedy infant snoring, especially if this is caused by allergies is by using an air purifier and keeping the area clean so that no foreign substance will cause infection on the infant?s airways. Always keep the baby?s bed, pillow, blankets, and etc. clean and free of dust.

The best way should be to consult a physician for the specific needs of your baby. Be reminded that your child is yet very young and is in a critical stage. Proper treatment at the earliest possible time would do your baby good. Don?t be complacent and make sure you put your child?s health in the best hands. Never take any signs for granted. With infant snoring, the earlier the treatment, the better. You owe it to your child. After all, your infant got it from you, right?

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Non-surgical Ways to Prevent Snoring

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If you are troubled with your snoring problem, and don?t want a surgical procedure to remedy it, you can make use of non-surgical ways to prevent snoring. One type is by using a Nasal CPAP. It is very effective in controlling your snore but it is only temporary and does not cure the root cause of your problem. With such, the device is to be worn each night. If you find this to be of a bit of a hassle then this may not be for you.

Before your doctor advises you to wear such a device, as your way to prevent snoring, you will be evaluated as to the frequency of episodes of obstructed breathing while on your sleep, as to the noise disturbance your create during your sleep, as to the headaches you experience throughout the day, etc. You will undergo a physical exam, with your medical history taken into consideration. An otorhinolaryngological examination to check your airway will also be conducted. The last step of the evaluation involves checking and determining the appropriate CPAP pressure during a sleep study. All the data and information gathered will be used in determining the right treatment for your snoring problems.

Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) makes use of specially designed nasal masks or pillows. It helps keeping your airway open while inhaling. It is an effective non-surgical remedy to prevent snoring and to treat obstructive sleep apnea problems. The mechanism blows air on the upper airway, just enough to prevent the airway tissues from obstructing your breathing during sleep. The pressure of this device is kept consistent, and continuous.

Once you have been finally advised to use CPAP by your doctor to prevent snoring, the next critical thing is choosing the mask for your use. Comfort should be a consideration. An alternative though is the use of nasal pillows where two small caps are inserted into the nostrils. Those with beard or moustache usually prefer this, as facial hair can compromise the effectiveness of said masks.

Dry skin also is an impediment to the function of the mask seal. The use of skin moisturizers made specifically for CPAP purposes will solve this problem. Take note as well that too much skin oil also is a problem as it loosens the contact between the mask and the face.

The use of CPAP to prevent snoring is a matter of choice. Your doctor can advise you well on this matter, and should this fit your comfort and convenience, choose a mask that you like. There are manufacturers who offer custom made masks with your comfort in mind. Never settle for anything less than what gives you comfort in the application of CPAP for your snoring problems.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:



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Friday, February 13, 2009

Doctor, Can I Quit Snoring?

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If you make loud noises in your sleep, you got to get your self some help to quit snoring. If you think you can sleep your way out of this problem, you won?t ? because you can?t even sleep. Snorers, especially those with sleep apnea don?t get to have enough sleep. They usually feel tired during the day, with being able to have only some hours of sleep. You got to quit snoring!

Snoring will pose to be a problem not only for yourself but also to your partner in bed. She will not be able to have a decent sleep as well as you continue to snore her out of her sleeping zone. Snoring, in extreme cases, as it drains you with your energy, will start to cause you problems in bed. With the stress and anxiety brought about by your lack of sleep, your snoring will eventually get the better of you. Surely, you don?t want that to happen. How many times have you heard your partner say: ?Darling, can you quit snoring?? ? perhaps said in a lovely and jokingly way, but with some truth behind it.

It is important that you get yourself cured with this problem. Some snorers thought this would go away as time passes by. Some go with self-medication, and imposes upon themselves a healthier and active lifestyle. These can actually help you to quit snoring, with the right medication you may luckily pick out, or with the right lifestyle changes, and with the appropriate eating habits.

There are many products out there in the market claiming to make you quit snoring. But these claims should not be taken at face value, as not all products live up to their claims. Some claims are merely marketing strategies employed by manufacturers to sell their product. Make sure you know what are taking, and it always best before taking anything to consult your physician.

With a healthier lifestyle, you get to reduce your snoring. But what does living a healthier lifestyle mean? What foods do we have to eat to reduce or take away our snoring problems? How many hours of sleep do we need to maintain our state of good health? How much exercise is appropriate for our age and physical condition? What is the right exercise program one should consider taking up? Is it okay to take some alcohol, even just a bit? Are snacks right before sleep okay? These and more questions come to mind with the advise of a healthier and active lifestyle. Who can we look up to for answers?

Very simple ? your family doctor - with his knowledge on your physical status & condition, your previous medical cases & health issues, will be the right person to ask for answers. Simple as the phrase ?healthier and active lifestyle? may seem, but what is just right for you will matter as much.

Have an appointment with your doctor, and specify the details of your snoring problems, including the symptoms, your level of sleep, level of energy on most days, and all other circumstances that will prove to be of use for a proper evaluation of your case, and in determining your snoring treatment. Hopefully, after all these, you can finally quit snoring.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleeping Disorder: Sleep Apnea Snoring

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One usually wonders why he snores at night. Both friends and family members usually joke him around. The strange and funny sounds you make while on your sleep seems so amazingly hilarious to them. At first you seem amused as well, laughing your snoring issue with them. But then it gets to a point, that it is no longer a laughing matter to you; in fact, you don?t find it funny anymore when they make jokes about it. Your lack of sleep from several nights puts you in a point where you seem edgy and oversensitive, especially when you finally realize that it is now a real problem for you, and others seem only to make fun of your predicament.

When you are losing sleep, and can?t get a good night?s rest ? perhaps your snoring has become a sleeping disorder known as Sleep Apnea Snoring. You will know that you probably might have Sleep Apnea Snoring when occasionally choke and grasp for breath in your sleep, and when your snoring becomes very loud. There is obstructed breathing with this case. And episodes of obstructed breathing vary from 30 to 300 events per night, and last more than 10 seconds per event. These reduce oxygen levels in the blood, which causes the heart to work harder

The side effects of having Sleep Apnea Snoring is that the affected person will not have a good rest out of his sleep, and he will usually feel sleepy throughout the day. With several nights under this condition, he becomes jittery, unable to concentrate on the task at hand, moody and experiences headaches throughout the day. Worst effects of Sleep Apnea Snoring, especially if left untreated, include heart failure, irregular heartbeats and hypertension.

Usually experienced by males, overweight people, and those over age forty, this does not exclude children at all. Having large tonsils or having excess tissue in the throat area seem to increase the person?s probability of having Sleep Apnea Snoring. Having larger neck sizes than normal also contribute to this.

If you observe these symptoms, it is wise to have yourself checked up by the doctor. A polysomnogram is used to diagnose for Sleep Apnea Snoring condition. This test records your heart rate, muscle activity, air flow, blood oxygen levels, electrical activity of the brain and the like, during your night?s sleep.

Treatment of Sleep Apnea Snoring may be thru self-help like having a healthy food diet combined with a sound exercise program. This is usually utilized for those on mild conditions only. Continuous positive airway pressure is also used to blow air through your upper airway, which prevents airways tissues from obstructing your breathing during sleep. For serious cases, surgery would be the answer. This is commonly applied for those with upper airway obstruction caused by enlarged tonsils, a deformed nasal septum, etc. Surgery should be the last recourse though in treating Sleep Apnea Snoring.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Healthy Diet for Snoring Prevention

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Overweight people often find themselves snoring in their sleep. With overweight people, the problem with snoring is rooted with the excess tissues on their throat that vibrates when they breathe on their sleep. Usually when one is overweight, the neck is subjected to more pressure thereby posing somewhat an obstruction on the airways. You then ask, ?What can one with weight issues do for snoring prevention??

On mild cases, snoring prevention is done by sleeping on the sides, raising the head part of the bed, making use of nasal clips, etc. But these snoring prevention tips are temporary and easily gets you back to snore if you get to sleep with your back on the bed, if your are unable to use your nasal clips, etc. Snoring prevention tips that have a somewhat permanent effect to deal with your concern involves eating healthy and subscribing to an active lifestyle.

Eating healthy for snoring prevention means avoiding excess alcohol intakes especially right before going to sleep. It means eating with just the right amount of food, and of course of the right choices of these. It means having to let go of habits that are bad to your health as smoking is. It means choosing what comes into your body, as it will eventually show on the outside.

Having a healthy diet for snoring prevention would do your body good, as your immune system will up and functioning to its maximum. You will more likely be able to live an active life as your body is full of energy and able to cope up with any activity you subject it to take.

From fat to fit requires that one starts off with healthy eating habits. The fruits and vegetables provides for more vitamins and nutrients for the body to function well. It increases immunity to sickness and any diseases. The rich fiber it has will help in taking toxins out of the body.

A healthy diet for snoring prevention means having a balanced diet. One needs sufficient carbohydrates for energy, as in fruits and vegetables; enough protein for muscle building; and just an appropriate amount and type of fat for your body hormones to function well.

A well balanced-diet will help you in keeping fit, and getting rid of those unwanted fats in your body as your body?s composition transforms to a more leaner one. Excess tissues around the body, as well as those that cause your snoring, will be eliminated little by little. Snoring prevention thru a healthy diet is the way to go for overweight people in need of answers to their snoring woes.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site. For more articles and resources on Snoring related topics, Snoring Causes and Treatments, Natural Snoring Remedies and much more visit his site at:


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