Stop Snoring Instantly

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Health Risks of Snoring

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Everyone knows that snoring can be a night time nuisance, but did you know that there are several health risks associated with snoring? Snoring might be more than an annoyance that keeps your partner awake at night and it is important for you to learn how to recognize whether or not you have a serious health problem. Finally, in understanding both the reasons for snoring and what your snoring may mean, if anything, in terms of your health; you can take steps to make your home quieter and improve your health.

An astounding number of people snore; in fact, one out of every three individuals snores at some point during the time that they sleep. While you sleep, your throat tissues and the muscles in your mouth relax, including your soft palate and your tongue. Air moves past the relaxed muscles and tissue. Consequently, the relaxed tissue will vibrate each time you take a breath and will result in snoring. Finally, the less tense the tissue becomes, the louder one snores.

There are several reasons behind the occurrence of snoring. For example, individuals that possess an extended uvula frequently snore and obesity also plays a significant role in whether an individual snores or not. Further, some people have naturally larger tonsils and adenoids that can create an obstruction in their throat while they sleep. In addition, a deviated or crooked septum in one's nose, and minor illnesses that produce a significant amount of congestion may also be at the root of one's snoring. Plus, the use of alcohol can play a significant role in whether or not an individual snores.

Conversely, more serious health problems are associated with snoring. For instance, if an individual has sleep apnea they are more than likely to snore habitually. Sleep apnea is a rather serious problem as it creates an obstruction in the throat so great that it causes the sleeper to stop breathing for several seconds. By instinct, when the sleeper cannot breathe, they wake up to get the air they require, but such breaks in sleep can result in significant health problems.

What is crucial for people to remember is that snoring is not just a problem that is experienced by adults, therefore, parents need to be concerned about their child's well being if they habitually snore and it is loud and obnoxious or if it is creating a problem for the child. Is your child easily distracted in the classroom or at home? Losing sleep can be the cause. Does your child seem tired all the time? Again, interrupted sleep due to sleep apnea may be to blame. If you notice such signs, it is time to visit a paediatrician.

Finally, all individuals that habitually snore should consider paying a visit to their doctors because snoring, over time, could lead to other problems. Such problems include diabetes, increased blood pressure, heart trouble, stroke, and in some severe cases, death. Thus, if your partner complains about your snoring, perhaps you should consider visiting your doctor for a check-up. In the end, you'll be healthier and your partner will be happier!

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Snoring

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